Arthur Morgan (2024)

Arthur Morgan is a central character and the playable protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Background
  • 2 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2
    • 2.1 Colter Chapter
    • 2.2 Horseshoe Overlook Chapter
    • 2.3 Clemens Point Chapter
    • 2.4 Saint Denis Chapter
    • 2.5 Guarma Chapter
    • 2.6 Beaver Hollow Chapter
    • 2.7 Epilogue
  • 3 Gallery



A young Arthur (right) with his two adoptive fathers fent fent fent fent fentt fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fent fn, Hosea Matthews and Dutch van der Linde.Arthur Morgan was born in 1863 to Beatrice and Lyle Morgan. His mother died when he was very young, and his father was a petty criminal and outlaw, who was arrested for larceny in 1874 when Arthur was 11 years old and along with his younger sister's Nora Morgan, Yevette Morgan and Emily Morgan. At some point, Lyle was killed and Arthur witnessed it, donning his hat afterward.

Around 1877, Arthur and his siblings were picked up by Dutch Van Der Linde and Hosea Matthews. Viewing him as a surrogate father figure, Arthur came to share Dutch's vision of a life lived free from the constraints of civilization and the rule of law, becoming one of the first members of the Van Der Linde gang. At some point during his youth, Arthur met a girl named Mary Gillis and the two were deeply in love. However, Arthur's preference for a life of crime and the prevalent disapproval of Mary's family caused their relationship to fall through.

At some point later, Arthur met and slept with a young waitress named Eliza, resulting in her becoming pregnant with their son, Isaac. Eliza knew what Arthur was, but accepted whatever support he offered to her and their son, as well as personal involvement in their lives. Arthur would visit Eliza and Isaac every few months and stay with them for days at a time. One day, Arthur arrived at their home and saw two crosses outside. Arthur knew immediately that they were both dead, and later learned that they were killed by robbers, all for ten dollars. The incident hardened Arthur ever since and he never truly coped with the pain, As he later saw his sisters leave the gang after they got married and went to live with their husbands and start their own families.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2[]

Colter Chapter[]

After a botched ferry heist, Dutch and the gang are forced to flee Blackwater and attempt to cross the mountains west to evade law enforcement. Not long after relocating to Colter, Dutch and Arthur go looking for John Marston and Micah Bell, who went scouting. Arthur and Dutch find Micah, who tells them of a homestead which appears to have a party going on inside. They stop at the homestead to ask for help, where they encounter members of the O'Driscoll gang. After meeting them, a gunfight breaks out, which results in the deaths of the O'Driscolls. After looting the ranch, they encounter Sadie Adler, whose husband was killed by the enemy gang. Feeling bad for her, they bring her back to camp. Not long after returning, Arthur is asked by Abigail Roberts to find John Marston, who has gone missing. Arthur and Javier Escuella find John seriously wounded from being attacked by wolves, and bring him back to camp.

The gang decides to attack the O'Driscoll camp, which is situated nearby according to an O'Driscoll they interrogated at the homestead. The gang attacks the camp, and after defeating them, find dynamite and information about a train belonging to Leviticus Cornwall that the O'Driscolls intended to rob. On their way back to Colter, they come across an O'Driscoll that they previously saw being reprimanded by Colm. Arthur volunteers to catch him and succeeds, with the O'Driscoll (whose name is Kieran Duffy) being imprisoned at the gang's camp and given no food.

Arthur also ventures out with Charles Smith, to find some food. Charles gives Arthur a bow and tells him that he'll have to use it, due to the hand injury which Charles sustained during the failed ferry robbery. The two share a friendly conversation, discussing their history both in and outside of the gang, while Charles provides Arthur with some hunting tips. Arthur manages to take down two deer, he and Charles return to camp with enough food to last the gang for the next few days.

In order to fund their escape from the mountains, Dutch has the gang rob the Cornwall train. However, the detonator that the gang planned to use fails, and so they have to chase after the train. Arthur, Lenny and Javier jump onto the train from above, although Javier falls off immediately and Lenny also slips, but manages to grasp onto the carriage. After Arthur can help him up, the two manage to fight their way through the train and slay most of the guards, before the rest of the gang arrives and finishes off the remaining few. The gang then use dynamite to enter the private car, where they manage to find some highly-valuable state bonds. Dutch then leaves Arthur to deal with the last three guards as he wishes, all of whom had surrendered; their fate is therefore left to the player. After dealing with them, Arthur rides back to Colter.

Horseshoe Overlook Chapter[]

After the thaw comes in, the gang leaves the mountains for a new location in The Heartlands, near the town of Valentine. Arthur goes to the saloon in Valentine, where he meets Javier, Charles, and later Bill. A bar fight breaks out after Bill drunkenly attacks someone after entering the saloon. After fighting off some men, Arthur eventually engages a huge, burly man named Tommy, who overpowers Arthur and throws him out the saloon window on to the muddy street outside. After a long fight, Arthur defeats him and beats him severely, stopping only when Thomas Downes pleads for him to do so. After the fight has ended, Arthur is called over by Dutch, where he meets Josiah Trelawny again. He learns that Sean MacGuire is alive, and they make plans to rescue him. Dutch sends Arthur to accompany Trelawny, Charles Smith and Javier Escuella in rescuing Sean. During the rescue attempt, Arthur takes part in the frontal assault along with Trelawny and Javier, while Charles scouts from a distance. After a bloody firefight with the bounty hunters, Sean is rescued and the gang members return to camp and throw a party for Sean's safe return.

Arthur also goes on a hunt for a "1000 pound bear" with Hosea, who gives Arthur a Raven Black Shire horse that can be sold or kept. The two set out to Grizzlies East to find the bear, although they stop at the stables in Valentine on the way, where Arthur can purchase a different horse. After setting some bait, the two wait for the bear, who attacks them. Hosea thanks Arthur for saving his life and gives him a map of Legendary Animals. The two can either part ways or go back to camp together. Arthur can also interrogate the O'Driscoll that the gang captured in the mountains. Dutch calls Bill over to castrate Kieran with burning hot tongs if he doesn't reveal the location of Colm O'Driscoll. Kieran then says that he's at Six Point Cabin, and is accompanied there by Arthur, John, and Bill. Upon reaching the hideout, the trio stealthily take out some of the O'Driscolls, before a shootout eventually ensues. Arthur enters a cabin in the hope of finding Colm but is instead surprised by an O'Driscoll goon. Before Arthur can be killed, Kieran appears and fatally shoots the O'Driscoll, saving Arthur's life. Arthur then threatens him after Colm is not there, believing that he set them up. Kieran points out that he wouldn't have saved Arthur's life if that were the case and, with some more prompting from John and Bill, Kieran is allowed to stay with the gang. Arthur can optionally go buffalo hunting with Charles at some point during this chapter, and can rob the homestead of Chez Porter with Javier.

At some point, Arthur will receive a letter from Mary Linton, who asks Arthur to meet her. After reading the letter, Arthur is told by Leopold Strauss that he needs to recover a debt from Thomas Downes, a rancher, along with several other debt holders. Arthur goes to Downes Ranch and confronts Mr. Downes. Thomas says that he is destitute, prompting Arthur to beat him. Eventually, Thomas' wife Edith Downes arrives, saying that her husband is ill and they truly are destitute, leading to Arthur leaving the ranch. Arthur can meet Mary soon afterward, who tells him that her brother Jamie has been inducted into a batty cult known as the Chelonians. If Arthur agrees to help her, he will find Jamie with them near Cumberland Forest. Arthur scares them off and then chases the escaping Jamie, eventually catching him and shooting the gun out of his hand when he tries to kill himself, before returning him to Mary.

After returning from a scouting mission, Lenny Summers tells Arthur and Dutch that Micah started a gunfight in Strawberry after getting drunk and subsequently killed two O'Driscolls, which led to his arrest. Before attending to Micah, Arthur brings Lenny to Valentine for a drink to calm his nerves, and both of them get very drunk. Once he has sobered up, Arthur heads for Strawberry to rescue Micah. The Sheriff refuses to release Micah, so Arthur can break the bars on his cell or steal a key to his cell and a firefight ensues, with Micah immediately killing his cellmate, who was an O'Driscoll. Arthur says to Micah that they need to leave immediately, but Micah refuses, saying he has something he has to do. The two are forced to kill almost every lawman in the town until at last Micah arrives at a house and knocks on the door, kills the man living there and his wife, and retrieves his prized revolvers from them. The two then flee on their horses and fight off the pursuing lawmen, after which Arthur berates Micah for his recklessness for the unnecessary violence and going back for the guns. Micah says that he won't return to Dutch until he does something to redeem himself - he asks Arthur to meet him somewhere nearby to carry out a robbery.

He later witnesses 8 new members entering the camp as he notices that Sadie rushed over to one of them and hugs them as he gets to meet Sadie's younger sister Alexandra Adler and her gang, as he and Dutch welcome them into the gang as they throw a party to welcome the new members.

Later John, who thinks they still need more money, talks to Arthur and tells him that he hears of a herd of sheep coming in. He tells Arthur to buy a sniper rifle and they ride up to a hill, shooting bullets at the feet of the ranch-hands. They flee, and Arthur corrals the sheep to the auction. The man who runs the auction recognizes the sheep and says if they pay him twenty-five percent of all profits, he will keep his mouth shut. This sum falls to eighteen percent after John negotiates with him. Arthur and John then go to the nearby saloon, where they meet Strauss and Dutch. During the meeting, Leviticus Cornwall and his hired guns capture Strauss and John. Dutch and Arthur rescue them, while Strauss is non-fatally shot in the process, before fighting their way out of the town back to camp. Realizing that they can't stay in the area, Dutch sends Arthur and Charles to investigate Dewberry Creek, a possible camp location suggested by Micah. Arthur and Charles instead discover a German mother and her children, with their father missing. Charles manages to trace the father to Clemens Point, where they fight off some bandits and free him.

He soon notices a brand new green dress in Dutch's and Molly's tent as he asks Molly where she got it from and is told she didn't as someone wrote a note telling her that someone has got the dress for her as well as a new pocket mirror as she asks him to see if they are from Dutch, as he later finds out who they are from as he watches Sadie's sister going into the dress wagon which has come into Valentines as he sees her buying a Lucille Walking Suit, Royal Blue, Victorian Ladies Hat - Royal Blue and Ladies Spats - Silver Brocade as he watches her get back on her horse and rides back to the camp as he watches her wait for Dutch and Molly not to be in the tent as she gently places them on to the bed and walks out as he sees Molly walking back into the tent and notices them as she waves to Arthur as he later tells her who has been leaving the gifts as he sees Molly smiling for the first time as Dutch has been spending a lot of his time with Mary-Beth and few other females as he was told by John that Dutch got Theodosia Drummond pregnant with his daughter Beatrice Van Der Linde who he never got to meet as they had to leave after Theodosia found out about Dutch's life as she did not want her daughter to know who her father is just before he met Annabelle.

Arthur returns him to his family while Charles returns to the others to divert the caravan to Clemens Point, a much better location for camp.

Clemens Point Chapter[]

After moving to the new camp location, Hosea, Arthur, and Dutch go out riding. They encounter Sheriff Leigh Gray, who has captured Trelawny due to him running an illegal gold prospecting operation. After Arthur recaptures a group of outlaws who had escaped from a prison wagon, Trelawny is released. In addition, Gray decides to deputize Arthur, Dutch, and Bill Williamson in order to crack down on a Lemoyne Raider's moonshine operation. With the help of Deputy Archibald MacGregor, the three gang members succeed in bringing down the moonshine operation, earning favor with the Sheriff.

Dutch tells Arthur to go to Caliga Hall with Alexandra and James Collins III to gather more information about the Gray family. He ends up talking to Beau Gray, Sr, who asks him to go to Braithwaite Manor and deliver a letter to his secret lover, Penelope Braithwaite. After delivering the letter to her, she gives him one of her own back, to give to Beau. The letter will say that Penelope is planning on going to a women's suffrage rally. The news that Penelope is going to a women's suffrage rally alarms Beau, and he tells Arthur that her life is in danger, offering him money if he will help him save her. Arthur and Beau ride up to the carriage where the protesters will be riding in, and when they are unsuccessful in convincing her to leave, Arthur is tasked with driving the carriage to protect her. At Penelope's request, Arthur takes Beau away to save him from his cousins. Arthur is subsequently paid by Beau, before he then returns to camp.

Dutch grows concerned over Trelawny's disappearance and sends Arthur and Charles to find him. They find the caravan he had been staying in, which has blood on the floor and signs that Trelawny had left in a hurry. The two track his trail to a small camp, where they discover some of his belongings. The pair are attacked by two bounty hunters at the camp, whom they promptly subdue. They interrogate one of the bounty hunters, who reveals that Trelawny is being held at a nearby farmhouse. The duo ride over and find him being escorted into a cabin by a few bounty hunters. They attack the bounty hunters, and they flee into the nearby tobacco field. The two venture into the field, and hunt down the remaining bounty hunters, before returning to Trelawny. He insists that he told them nothing, and they bring him back to camp safely.

Later on, Arthur is asked by Uncle if he wants to join a stagecoach robbery. Along with Charles and Bill, Arthur accepts the offer. Unfortunately for them, the stagecoach turns out to be owned by Cornwall, who has hired a small army of private mercenaries to protect the stagecoach. After robbing the stagecoach, the gang members are forced to flee to a nearby barn, where they attempt to hide. The hired guns, however, find them and accidentally light the barn on fire while opening fire on them at the same time. The men are forced to fight their way out of the barn and into the forest, where they engage some of Cornwall's men in combat before escaping back to camp.

Not long after, Lenny approaches Arthur and tells him that after talking to some of the black community in Rhodes, he has learned that the Lemoyne Raiders have a large store of military-grade weapons stockpiled. Arthur agrees to rob the raiders, and he and Lenny ride to where Lenny's contacts said to go to. The two men see a coach coming by, and they follow it at a safe distance before coming upon Shady Belle. The two attack the manor, and after eliminating the Lemoyne Raiders there, take the coach full of guns and drive it away. Some other raiders attempt to intercept them but are vanquished by the two. After getting back to camp, Arthur claims a Bolt Action Rifle from the stash as his own and says they will sell the rest to get some more cash for the camp. Arthur can also take part in various robberies with other gang members, such as robbing a homestead with Sean, robbing a stagecoach with Sean and Mary-Beth, and another stagecoach with Bill and Tilly. Aside from this, he can go fishing with Kieran at some point, and later with Javier.

He watches Molly and Alexandra

Almost immediately after returning, Bill and Karen Jones approach Lenny and Arthur and propose robbing the Valentine bank, which they have already collected information on. After a bit of prodding, he agrees, and the three ride to Valentine. Karen pretends to be either a lost girl or a harlot, and after confusing the guard, knocks him out. Arthur can then either place dynamite on the safes to blow the locks off, or silently crack them. On the way out, they are attacked by the law, but the four gang members succeed in fighting their way to safety. Afterward, Arthur rides to Downes Ranch, to get the money from Edith Downes that her now deceased husband owed.

Arthur is later told that Micah, Bill, and Sean are waiting for him in Rhodes. Once he finds them, they start to walk towards the sheriff's office, but Sean is shot in the head by a Hired gun, recruited by the Grays. A fire fight starts as Micah and Arthur hid inside of the gunsmith's shop until the fight dies down. Once the grays are killed Arthur and Micah, found that Bill has dissapeard, they then free him from the sheriff and deputies. Micah is then tasked with burying the body of Sean.

Once Arthur returns to camp Dutch and Abigail are worried because her son Jack has gone missing. They then discover that the Braithwaites have captured Jack. Most of the gang goes to the Braithwaite Mansion to rescue Jack, as they enter the property of the Braithwaites they threaten the gang to turn back. Eventually the gang starts a gunfight and they retreat into the mansion once it has been cleared out, killing more Braithwaites from the balcony. Once the fight is over the gang searches the house and they find Catherine Braithwaite, the owner of the house. She explains that she sold Jack to a man named Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. The gang then burns the mansion down while pulling Catherine out of it. Once the gang leaves, she crawls back inside, burning to death while she mourns the destruction of her family. The gang then recoup at Clemens Point, the leader of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Agent Milton and his Assistant, Agent Ross, walk to the camp and threatens the gang that all of them will be killed if they do not leave. John and Arthur then scout out Shady Belle to kill any remaining Lemoyne Raiders.

Saint Denis Chapter[]

After relocating to Shady Belle, John, Dutch, and Arthur go to Saint Denis, to find out where Bronte lives. Arthur eventually learns he lives at a mansion near the river after chasing a street urchin that stole from him, and the trio goes to confront him. The three gang members enter the house, and after almost starting a gunfight with his men, they strike a deal: John and Arthur will deal with a group of grave-robbers, and in exchange, Bronte will return Jack. The two men go the graveyard, and after being ambushed by the criminals, gun them down. They then grab their loot and escape before the law shows up. The two return to Bronte with the loot, and Bronte releases Jack, after offering Dutch an invite to the Mayor's party.

Bill, Hosea, Arthur, and Dutch eventually arrive at the Mayor's party, and quickly break up so that they can pursue different leads. Arthur hears a servant talking about Leviticus Cornwall, and after being prompted by Dutch, will follow him. Arthur steals documents relating to him, before fleeing the mansion and meeting up with the rest of the gang. Although Bill complains that they have found no leads, Hosea will say he has a few, including a potential riverboat robbery involving a high stakes poker game, and even Lemoyne National Bank. After the party, the mayor sends Arthur a Letter asking him to go to the mansion and do different things for him as blackmail because he knows that Arthur stole his documents, it is optional to do this and not doing it will have no consequences.

After hearing about the riverboat tip, Trelawny decides to use it to their advantage. He pulls some strings and succeeds in getting Javier, Strauss, Arthur and himself on board as well as befriending the dealer to rig a poker game. While onboard, Javier manages to pose as a guard on the riverboat and Strauss finds a seat in Arthur's view. Arthur then gets into the poker game with Desmond Blythe and some others on the boat, and with Strauss's help in cheating, Arthur wins. After losing all of his money to Arthur, Blythe offers one final bet, in which he uses his Reutlinger pocket watch as credit. Arthur accepts Blythe's offer and beats him. The pit boss arrives and congratulates Arthur on his win, before escorting both him and Javier upstairs to the vault where the Reutlinger is located. After he opens up the vault, Javier and Arthur point their guns at him and tell him to surrender his hidden pistol. While Arthur loots the vault, the pit boss draws a second hidden gun, so Arthur is forced to shoot him. Unfortunately, the sound of the gunshot alerts the guards, who rush to see what happened. Arthur and Javier reunite with Strauss and Trelawny, but the guards discover that they were the culprits and attack them. After fighting off some of the guards, the group jump off the ship and swim to shore, where they divide the spoils.

Later on, Arthur goes to talk to an Indian chief named Rains Fall. He finds him at Saint Denis, along with his son Eagle Flies. Rains Fall tells Arthur that the US Army plans on moving his tribe off of their land, and he has a proposition for him. He asks Arthur to steal incriminating documents from the Cornwall Refinery, which could potentially put a stop to their relocation. Arthur accepts, and later sneaks into the refinery using a wagon destined for the storage area. After forcing a man to give him the papers, he makes his escape. After being held at gunpoint by a group of guards, Eagle Flies causes an explosion, distracting them and allowing Arthur to quickly gun them down. The two escape together, after which Eagle Flies pays Arthur and says that he hopes that the documents will help.

In camp, Susan tells Arthur that Tilly has been kidnapped by the Foreman brothers and that they need to go and rescue her. They come across a safehouse and rescue Tilly, before setting off to find Anthony Foreman, the leader. After he is captured, he is brought back to Tilly, where the player is given a choice to either kill him or spare him, with Susan advocating the former, and Tilly the latter. No matter which option is chosen, Tilly will not be disturbed by the Foreman brothers ever again, but killing him will lose the option to go after him as a 85$ bounty in the Epilogue.

Sadie asks Arthur to talk and tells him that Kieran has disappeared and she is worried about him. Almost immediately after she has finished speaking, Kieran's decapitated body comes into camp on a horse and O'Driscolls assault the gang. The gang attempts to hold them off at the road, but are forced to retreat inside the plantation house. It is then that Dutch realizes that Sadie is still outside, and is fighting for her life. Arthur charges out and kills the people attacking Sadie, but she refuses to go inside, preferring to avenge her husband. The two engage members of the enemy gang, and force the O'Driscolls to retreat.

At some point in this chapter, Arthur can join Micah in robbing a stagecoach, bringing Bill along. As well as this, he can also rob a stagecoach with Lenny, although it proves to be a setup. Additionally, Arthur can also go rustling with Uncle.

Dutch tells Arthur to come over and tells him that the two of them, as well as Lenny, are going to rob the Saint Denis trolley station after getting a tip from Angelo Bronte. The three break into the station and hold the clerks at gunpoint, before realizing that only ninety dollars are in the vault. The three then attempt to escape, but police are now everywhere. They board a trolley and use it to ride out of the city center. The trolley eventually crashes, forcing the three to fight the policemen on foot. Eventually, they commandeer a stagecoach and ride to safety. Dutch then comments on how he thinks Lenny saved them, and Arthur gives them each fifteen dollars and one quarter.

Later, Arthur is contacted by Mary (If Arthur had accepted doing Mary's tasks all other times), who asks him to meet her in Saint Denis. Arthur can do so, and Mary tells Arthur that she is very worried about her father, who is sinking ever deeper into whoring, drinking and gambling. Mary eventually encounters her father, who storms out soon after she begins talking to him. To find out what he’s doing, Mary and Arthur tail him, witnessing him vomit, and then meeting Ashton, who Mr. Gillis sells a brooch to. Recognizing it as a family heirloom from her mother, Mary confronts him about it while Arthur chases Ashton to get the brooch back. After retrieving the brooch, Arthur gives it to Mary and asks where her father went, to which Mary responds by saying that she doesn’t know and no longer cares. She then invites Arthur to go to the theatre with her, where the player can choose if they’d like to go or not. Afterwards, Mary asks Arthur to run away with her, but Arthur declines, saying that he is a wanted man which would only put her in danger, and that he has people to take care of. Realising that Arthur would never renounce the life of an outlaw, Mary says goodbye and the two part ways.

Back at camp, Dutch asks Arthur to come to the balcony, and he tells him that he and Hosea can't agree on what to do next and that he is the tiebreaker. Dutch says that he wants to kill Angelo Bronte for tricking them, and says it will make robbing the bank easier. Hosea, meanwhile, says the plan is foolhardy, and will only endanger them. Arthur sides with Dutch and the two go to Lagras where they are going to broker a deal with a fisherman named Thomas. Dutch talks to him, and they agree that they will aid him in finding his assistant who has gone missing. In exchange, he will ferry the gang to Bronte's mansion. The three men find him in the swamp, bring him to the boat, and start rowing back to Lagras. Unfortunately, along the way, they are attacked by a massive alligator. He bites the young man's leg and throws him into the water. They pull him out, then shoot at the giant alligator, scaring it off, before returning to Lagras.

When Arthur returns to Lagras, the gang boards Thomas's boat and make their way toward Angelo Bronte's mansion. Once there, the gang gets shot at and takes cover and opens fire on the guards positioned in the courtyard. Reinforcements arrive, but the gang secures the area, and approach the door. Arthur blasts the lock off of the door, and the gang begins clearing the rooms. Arthur goes upstairs and enters a room, only to be surprise attacked by the crime lord. After subduing Bronte, Arthur carries him downstairs, and they head toward the boat. Unfortunately, policemen hear the gunshots and arrive, forcing the gang to fight their way to the boat. Once on the boat, they set off to Lagras, planning on ransoming back Bronte. Bronte, however, believes that the gang will turn on Dutch for money. He offers thousands of dollars to whoever kills Dutch, and when no one takes him up on the offer, begins insulting Dutch. An enraged Dutch responds by drowning Bronte and then throwing his body overboard to be ravaged by alligators, shocking the rest of the gang.

Back at camp, Dutch and Hosea finalize the plan for the robbing of the Saint Denis Bank. The gang readies and rides out the next morning, and on the ride, Dutch goes over the plan. Hosea and Abigail will cause a diversion to divert police away from the bank, while the rest of the gang will enter the bank's front doors. Once inside, Arthur loots the safe, when suddenly the Pinkertons arrive. The bank is completely surrounded, and Agent Milton calls for them to surrender, holding Hosea hostage. After refusing Dutch's pleads for negotiation, Milton shoots Hosea in the chest, killing him. The gang attacks the Pinkertons in full force and a shootout ensues. Dutch instructs Arthur to use dynamite to blow a hole through the side of the bank in order to create a path of escape. Arthur blows open the wall and makes his way to the rooftop, where he proceeds to lay down cover fire so the gang to make a run for it. The gang joins Arthur on the roof without John, who has been captured by the Pinkertons but not killed. As the group tries to escape on the roof, Lenny is gunned down by Pinkertons, and Arthur pauses a moment to mourn his fallen friend. The gang then make their way to an abandoned building where they wait until nightfall, before heading to the docks where they hope to find a boat to ferry them away. Unfortunately, the police have the area under heavy surveillance, and they cannot continue. Charles causes a distraction, allowing the rest of the gang to reach the dock. They then board a ship destined for Cuba without Charles, but the boat sinks and Arthur is separated from the rest of the gang.

Guarma Chapter[]

Arthur washes up on the shore of Guarma and searches for civilization. He comes upon the gang at a campfire, but the reunion is cut short by the arrival of the local military, who arrest them and transport them in shackles to jail. Along the way to the jail, rebels bombard the soldiers with bullets. In the confusion, Arthur collects a gun and keys from a dead soldier's corpse and uses them to unlock the shackles. After killing off the guards leading them, Hercule Fontaine, the revolutionary leader tells the gang to follow him. As they rush away, Javier is shot in the leg by reinforcements, and they are forced to leave without him. Despite this, Hercule leads the remaining gang to a small rebel outpost, stocked with rifles. Reinforcements soon arrive, but the gang and Hercule are ultimately victorious. They then proceed to a church turned rebel outpost called La Capilla.

After arriving at La Capilla, Arthur rests for a short time, before setting out to find a way off the island. One of the two things he does to get off the island is going with Dutch to rescue Javier. The two of them go to a cave where an old lady named Gloria is. Dutch pays her a gold ingot to lead them through the cave, up to a ladder that would bring them up to Aguasdulces. It is then that she demands more money, and when Dutch can't pay the rest of the promised money, she pulls a knife on him. Dutch then grabs her, and kills her, prompting dismay from Arthur. The two of them then enter Aguadulces, where they see Colonel Fussar and a group of soldiers, who are dragging Javier along with a donkey and beating him for information on who the gang are. The pair quickly begins looking for ways to find a distraction, which they find in the sugar refinery. Dutch cuts up the bags of sugar, spilling it all over the floor, before they blow up the furnace. In the distraction, they fight their way to Javier. After Dutch picks him up, they flee the settlement, until they reach the river of Arroyo de la Vibora. At the river, Arthur tells Dutch to take Javier while he holds the bank. Waves of enemies assault his position, but Arthur prevails and departs.

Arthur then goes and investigates a group of workers who have disappeared. Arthur is unfortunately captured, and imprisoned with two other militants. A guard approaches him and is about to beat him up when he attacks. Arthur swiftly slays the guard, and then with another militant sneak through the camp. They save three men from execution, before engaging and defeating the soldiers.

After doing this, he goes with the gang to Cinco Torres. Here, they see a Cuban warship approaching, and swarms of enemies attacking. The gang and Hercule shoot at them from above, until they reach the fort. Hercule, Dutch, and Arthur then rush out and clear out the soldiers that are preparing to take the fort. They then rush back to the top of Cinco Torres and man the cannon as the warship approaches. After many shots, the warship falls, and they begin planning on making their escape off the island.

The gang is preparing to leave when they see a gun battery preventing their escape. Realizing it has to be silenced, the gang assaults the battery, and Arthur blows up the cannons. They then set out cutting their way to the ship. While fighting Aguasdulces, Arthur breaks into the worker's cabin to find the captain and is put on gunpoint by Levi Simon. Dutch breaks in, and puts Simon on gunpoint before Fussar aims his own gun at Dutch. The standoff ends when Arthur kicks the ship captain his rifle, and he kills Simon by shooting him in the chest. Fussar flees the cabin in the confusion and runs. They then set out fighting their way to the ship in earnest, when they find Fussar has occupied the final tower with a machine gun. Arthur blows down the tower, killing Fussar and allowing the gang to depart the island at last.

Arthur arrives at Van Horn Trading Post, where he steals a horse to return to Shady Belle. The site is abandoned when he gets there, but he finds a letter written by “Caroline” which says that they are at Lakay. As he prepares to head out, a group of Pinkertons arrives; Arthur either leaves silently and without alerting them or fights them. Regardless of his choice, he heads to Lakay immediately after. When he arrives, he finds the entire gang who weren't stranded on Guarma. They welcome him and Abigail informs Arthur of John’s imprisonment at Sisika Penitentiary before the rest of the gang arrive. However, their reunion is cut short by the arrival of Agent Milton and a group of Pinkerton agents who attack the camp, with the help of Sadie and Bill they repel the attack with the aid of the Gatling gun. Sadie then asks Arthur to meet her at some point in Saint Denis so they can brainstorm how best to break John out of prison.

Dutch orders Arthur to clear out an old hideout called Beaver Hollow, home to a group of cannibals called the Murfree Brood, Arthur brings Charles along, and Arthur tells Charles about Guarma while he tells Arthur about the scramble to flee to Lakay. Eventually, whether through canoe or horse riding, they eventually reach Beaver Hollow. The pair sneaks through the camp, quietly killing the enemies until the alarm is sounded. The two then forcibly storm the hollow and clear out all the enemies. In doing so, they find a young girl named Meredith, who had been captured and tortured by the Brood. Arthur takes her back to her mother in Annesburg, before returning to the Hollow where the rest of the gang has assembled. Drunk, Molly then stumbles into the camp and says that she was the rat, telling the Pinkertons about the Saint Denis Bank robbery. While the rest of the gang looks on shocked, Susan puts an end to her by peppering her with a shotgun.

Beaver Hollow Chapter[]

Arthur goes to Saint Denis to meet Sadie, but is seized by a violent coughing fit and collapses. A stranger escorts him to a clinic, and a doctor named Joseph R. Barnes diagnoses Arthur with tuberculosis, having contracted it from Thomas Downes several months earlier. Arthur is overcome with emotion at this news, as such an illness would mean certain death. The news shakes Arthur to his core and ultimately causes him to change and become a better man.

Arthur meets up with Sadie following his diagnosis. She says that she wants to survey the prison to make sure that John is actually there before launching a rescue attempt, and has paid a hot air balloon operator, Arturo Bullard, to give Arthur a tour. Arthur then uses the balloon to inspect Sisika Penitentiary to see if John is still there. He spots John working field detail and the guard opens fire, forcing them to leave. When they reach the mainland, Arthur spots Sadie being chased by a group of O'Driscolls and opens fire upon them from the balloon. Bullard is shot and killed by the rival gang, and the balloon crashes. Arthur and Sadie then engage the assailants in a bloody gunfight in which they are victorious.

Arthur then heads to the docks at Copperhead Landing, located a few miles from Sisika Penitentiary, to help Sadie break John out of prison. Abigail protests that she should come, but Sadie and Arthur shut her down saying that she would be an extra burden. Abigail reluctantly accepts this and thanks them for what they are doing, before Arthur and Sadie sail and dock along the islands shore. The pair climb a watchtower that overlooks the fields, and take down the guard in the tower, before opening fire and killing two other guards in the fields. They take a prison guard named Milliken captive, and Milliken tells them that John is not working that day. With Milliken hostage, they march up to the main gate of the fortress and tell them that they want to trade John for the guard. They make the trade, and the three flee the island with enemy guards hot in pursuit.

Arthur is called on by Dutch and Micah to go help them confront Cornwall in Annesburg. They hide in the harbor, near to where Cornwall is expected to arrive. Dutch waits with Arthur, while Micah is sent to follow one of Cornwall's aides. After hearing Cornwall talking to the Pinkertons, Dutch reveals himself. He demands that Cornwall give him $10,000, his boat, and safe passage out of the country. Cornwall refuses, and Dutch shoots him in the chest, killing him. Pinkertons and hired guns swarm the gang, and the three men narrowly fight their way out of town. During the operation, Micah manages to steal papers from the Cornwall company, which he and Dutch keep so that they might make plans.

Arthur eventually heads to Saint Denis with Sadie and Dutch to ensure Colm is hanged. Arthur and Dutch disguise themselves as police officers and Sadie disguises herself as a lady of high society, all to lessen the chances of them being recognized. They find two O'Driscolls in the crowd and realize that there is a sniper on top of the building. Arthur eliminates the sniper, Dutch and Sadie capture the O'Driscolls, and with no one left to save him from the noose, Colm is hanged. Sadie then kills both her hostage and Dutch's in a fit of rage, leading to a shootout. After the O'Driscolls are dealt with, Dutch and Sadie return to Beaver Hollow, followed by Arthur.

Arthur receives a letter from Mary, which says that she wishes to cut ties with him, as it is the only way she can move on, while expressing regret that they could never be together. As well as sending Arthur a letter, she also sends him back his wedding ring. Mary was, however, unaware that Arthur was terminally ill with Tuberculosis and that he would die soon.

The papers that Micah stole reveal a large shipment of dynamite being transported from Annesburg to Saint Denis, so Bill and Arthur are sent to intercept it and take it for the gang. They go to Van Horn Trading Post and set up an ambush: Bill plays drunk in the middle of the road and Arthur positions himself afar so that he may act as a sniper. When the stagecoach stops, the two open fire on the guards and seize the carriage. Waves of hired guns pursue them, but the pair manage to fend them off and escape with their lives. Once they get to safety, Micah instructs John to take the dynamite to Bacchus Bridge, and then asks Arthur to join him there later on to set up the dynamite.

Arthur is also tasked by Strauss to go after two debtors: a deserter from Fort Wallace named J. John Weathers, and Arthur Londonderry, a miner. Arthur first goes after Weathers, who offers supplies from the wagon to pay off his debt, only to be attacked by soldiers who were after him. Arthur is forced to help Weathers defend the wagon, but the wagon is set alight by a lantern and destroyed. After killing the soldiers, Arthur sees Weathers lead a Wapiti Indian woman who he is in a relationship with and sees the situation they’re in. Weather’s offers a locket for the debt, leaving Arthur with the choice of accepting it or absolving the debt. Arthur then goes after Londonderry, only to find out that he has died. Arthur then goes after the widow looking for the money, but after finding her and seeing that she and her son are destitute, Arthur can choose to either absolve the debt, or do that in addition to giving Mrs. Londonderry some money to live on.

Arthur returns to camp, angry at the suffering Strauss had caused. He tells Strauss to get up and takes him over to where his belongings are. Confused at what Arthur is doing, Strauss protests, but Arthur ignores his attempts at reconciliation. He throws money at Strauss' feet and orders him to leave, which Strauss does.

Arthur meets with John by Bacchus Bridge, and the two blow it up in order to cut off the government supplies. This endeavor almost costs them their lives, as they are almost struck by the train. Afterwards, John tells Arthur that he is afraid for his family due to Dutch's descent into madness. Arthur tells John that he agrees, and John tells him that Abigail thinks that she knows where the money is. Arthur tells him to investigate further and talk to him afterwards.

Eagle Flies rides into Beaver Hollow and tells the gang that the army stationed at Fort Wallace has taken their horses, and he needs help to get them back. Dutch, seeing an opportunity to damage the government, agrees. He calls for Charles and Arthur to follow him, the two worry seeing Dutch take advantage considering Dutch’s recent changes in behavior and the four men ride east, where they plan on stealing horses from a government ferry. The four of them swim to the boat, sneak on board, and knock out the guards. They then grab the horses and flee back to shore. After reaching the shore, Eagle Flies and Dutch take the horses back to the reservation, while Arthur goes to meet Rains Fall.

Arthur reaches the reservation and meets Rains Fall. After the Indian chief realizes that Arthur has tuberculosis, he tells him that he has some things that could ease the pain and they go riding out onto the mountain looking for the herbs. While traveling, a man named Captain Monroe asks for his help, and Arthur pledges to help him. After gathering up all the herbs, the two go to a sacred place to the Wapiti, only to find it burned and its sacred objects were gone. After realizing that it was the Army's doing, Arthur sneaks into the camp, steals the objects back, and gives them to Rains Fall, who thanks him. The two then return to camp and separate.

Arthur goes and meets up with Monroe, who shows him a young child who has caught smallpox, due to Colonel Favours stopping a shipment of vaccines from reaching the reservation. Disgusted by this, Arthur demands that Monroe show him where the shipment is traveling. He then rides after the wagon carrying the vaccines and steals them back. He then returns to the reservation with the supplies and gives them to Monroe.

At the order of Dutch, Arthur meets up with him and a group of Indians led by Paytah and Eagle Flies. Dutch tells him that they plan on trapping the soldiers in the canyon to tar and feather them. However, Arthur sees that Dutch is simply using them and not helping them. He tries to dissuade Dutch from being involved, only to be disappointed when Dutch brushes off his concerns. Reluctantly, Arthur gets to work; he and Dutch place dynamite next to the trees and wait for the soldiers to arrive. When they do, Dutch pushes the detonator and the trees collapse, blocking the road. The group demands that the soldiers surrender, but Army reinforcements arrive and swarm the would-be ambushers. Arthur, Dutch, and the Indians fight their way down the pass, but the majority of the Indians are killed or captured, forcing Arthur and Dutch to run. They flee to the top of a cliff, and after being surrounded by the army, jump to the safety of the waters below.

Following the capture of Eagle Flies, a meeting is called between Colonel Favours and Rains Fall. Rains Fall asks Arthur and Charles to come along, and Arthur agrees due to pleading from Charles. During the meeting, Arthur breaks out in a fit of coughing and has to take a break in a tent. In the tent, he hears that Favours plans on executing Monroe, and puts himself on his guard. After the meeting breaks down, Favours arrests Monroe and announces his plans to execute him. Charles and Arthur attack, grab him and flee. They hide behind a rock and defeat the army in a long battle, before taking the captain to Emerald Station.

Charles and Arthur learn that Eagle Flies is being held at Fort Wallace, and decide to break him out. They cross the river and ride up the fort, where they wait until night. They then slay several sentries silently with bows, before climbing the back wall with a rope. They then slay several guards on the walls, before attacking the army and fighting their way into the jail. After releasing Eagle Flies, they blow a hole in the back wall and run to canoes lying along the river. Although soldiers attempt to shoot them out of the canoes, they succeed in escaping the area, and Charles brings Eagle Flies back to his father.

Eagle Flies shows up at Beaver Hollow with a large force of warriors from the reservation and tells the gang that the army raided the reservation. He then asks for the gangs to help in destroying the Cornwall company refinery in retaliation. It is then that Rains Fall rides in, and begs for his tribe not to go to war. They instead ride off, leaving the gang behind. After a quick discussion, the majority of the gang follows. When they arrive at the scene, they see many that many of the Wapiti Indians have been killed. Arthur soon spots Eagle Flies, and the gang splits into two groups – with Arthur leading a force to rescue Eagle Flies. They succeed in rescuing Eagle Flies, and then meet up with Dutch's force near the warehouse. After fighting to the warehouse doors, Dutch and Arthur enter, and take the government bonds. As they leave, however, a pipe bursts, which incapacitates Arthur. Immediately afterwards, more soldiers arrive, while Dutch leaves Arthur to die. Just before he can be killed by the soldiers, however, Eagle Flies appears and kills the soldiers in rapid succession, only to be fatally shot in the abdomen by Colonel Favours himself. Favours then turns towards Arthur to kill him too, but Arthur manages to shoot and kill him first. He then exits the warehouse, and after a brief exchange with Dutch over the latter abandoning him, Arthur takes Eagle Flies back to the reservation with Charles and Paytah. When they reach the reservation, Eagle Flies succumbs to his wounds, while Arthur says goodbye to Charles, who stays with the Indians to help them escape the Army. Soon after leaving the reservation, Arthur suffers from a second, severe coughing fit and falls into unconsciousness. Luckily for him, the German family who he had helped earlier that year find him and take him to Annesburg, where Arthur regains consciousness.

Dutch announces to the gang that they are pulling off one more big heist, before leaving the country. He tells them that they are going to rob an Army train going through Saint Denis, containing payroll and supplies to repair Bacchus Bridge. They ride to Saint Denis, but the train goes right through the city and so they are forced to go in pursuit of it. After boarding the train, swarms of enemies assault the gang, and although Arthur fights them off, John is shot in the left shoulder after uncoupling a burning train carriage. Dutch says that he will rescue him, and goes after him while the rest of the gang eliminate the final soldiers guarding the train and take the loot. After this, Dutch appears and tells him that John had died, leaving Arthur saddened.

As they return, they come across Tilly, who says that Abigail has been captured. Dutch and Micah decide to leave her, followed by the others. Refusing to leave his old friend to die and have Jack become an orphan, Arthur and Sadie go to Van Horn where she is being held. Arthur covers Sadie from a lighthouse while she fights her way through the town, but after reaching the building where Abigail is being held, she is ambushed by two Pinkertons and captured. Arthur then fights his way through the town to rescue her and kills the guards who she was ambushed by, only to be held at gunpoint by Agent Milton. Milton tells him that Micah betrayed the gang and fed information to the Pinkertons since his return from Guarma, before being locked in a struggle with Arthur. Suddenly, Abigail shoots Milton in the temple with Sadie’s revolver, killing him and saving Arthur. Arthur takes Abigail back to Tilly and Jack, and tells them to leave with Sadie, while he confronts Micah. Before she leaves, Abigail gives Arthur the keys to Dutch's money stash and tells him where to find the money before saying goodbye.

Arthur walks into camp, and announces that Micah is the traitor, which results in Micah and Arthur drawing on each other. At first, no one is willing to take sides, until John stumbles into camp saying that Dutch left him to die. Susan also sides with Arthur, and threatens Micah with a shotgun. Unfortunately for her, Javier announces that Pinkertons are coming, distracting her and allowing Micah to kill her. The rest of the gang unites behind Dutch and Micah, but Pinkertons arrive before Arthur and John can be killed by the others. Arthur and John escape through the cave, where Arthur reveals to him that Micah is the rat. After reaching the surface Arthur tells John that his family are safe at Copperhead Landing, and tells him to make a good life for him and his family with second chance he has before they are forced to escape into the woods, with Dutch and the others on their tail, exclaiming that John and Arthur are traitors. Eventually, Arthur and John have their horses shot from under them, forcing them to go on foot after killing Pinkerton attackers. Arthur then has a difficult choice to make: he can either return for the money or assist John's escape.

If Arthur helps John to escape: Arthur continues on with John and the two head towards the mountains. Eventually, Arthur tells John to continue alone while he holds off the Pinkertons, before giving him his hat and belongings. John reluctantly parts ways with Arthur, while the latter is attacked by Micah; both men fall from a ledge onto the ground below, and subsequently engage in a lengthy fistfight. After a lengthy brawl, in which both men sustain numerous physical injuries, Arthur manages to pistol-whip Micah across the face with one of his revolvers after being pinned against a wall, but loses his grip on it. Arthur then crawls towards this revolver in order to kill Micah, but is ultimately prevented from doing so by Dutch. Arthur tells Dutch again that Micah is the rat, that he gave him everything, and that John is the only one who made it, while Micah picks up another of his revolvers from the ground and prompts Dutch to come with him and get the money. In the end, Dutch discontentedly walks away, abandoning both Arthur and Micah.


Arthur's attempt in giving Marston a second chance in life proved fruitful as, eight years later, John and his family manage to buy land in Beecher's Hope to live a new life as ranchers.

Years after Arthur’s death, Mary is seen visiting his grave, mourning his loss, as well as an eagle or a coyote, depending on his honor.

Arthur's death is avenged in 1907 when John, Sadie and Charles manage to track down Micah and his gang at Mount Hagen. Micah gets his comeuppance and is jointly killed by John and Dutch for betraying the Van der Linde gang to the Pinkertons. Ironically, John's act of hunting down Micah and avenging Arthur's death ultimately leads to Edgar Ross kidnapping his family and his own death four years later.

After the player has reached 100% completion, a short cutscene plays where John visits Arthur's grave. John will be shown completing Arthur's journal while uttering the words "Guess we're just about done, my friend" before the cutscene transitions back to normal gameplay.


Arthur Morgan (1)

Arthur looking at Kieron tied up

Arthur Morgan (2)

I Created The Best Ending For Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2 Alternate Ending

Happy Ending

Arthur Morgan (2024)


What was Arthur Morgan's last words? ›

I tried. In the end, I did. The very last words of a mortally sick Arthur Morgan (High Honor route).

What is Arthur Morgan's moral code? ›

It seems Arthur strictly believes that violence should be cold, necessary, and without feeling, never out of personal enjoyment or without reason. In his own terms, Arthur is aware that he is a "bad man" and clearly understands that his bad behavior is morally wrong.

What did Arthur mean when he said he won? ›

At The End Of Arthur's Journey, He Wins

It can be interpreted that Arthur believes he's won because he managed to get John Marston out of this life, free from the Van der Linde gang to raise his child with his wife.

How does John get $20,000 in RDR2? ›

In this cutscene, John and Sadie open a chest and claim a fortune in gold and money [3]. After completing the mission, you will be awarded an astonishing $20,000 as your cut [3].

Did Dutch cry when Arthur died? ›

Dutch cried at Arthur's death.

What was Arthur afraid of? ›

He was afraid that the Pinkerton's would get the gang and torture them for information. He was afraid that the family he'd lived with during so much of his life, the family he'd watch grow from being just Dutch, Hosea, and himself would fall apart. Which of course it does by the end of Arthur's journey.

Why did Dutch shoot Micah? ›

Eliminating a Rival for Power: One theory suggests that Dutch kills Micah to eliminate his rival for power within the Van Der Linde gang. Dutch realizes that by eliminating Micah, he can secure his position as the leader and walk away from the mountain alive and unchallenged [1].

Will there be RDR3? ›

Summary. Red Dead Redemption 3 is likely in development due to the success of the franchise and the long development time of RDR2. Speculation suggests that RDR3 would be a prequel to maintain the game's Wild West atmosphere and themes.

What was Arthur Morgan's nickname? ›

How many confirmed kills does Arthur Morgan have? ›

It only includes those NPCs that are tied to the main story of Red Dead Redemption 2. Broken down over the six main chapters of Red Dead Redemption 2, it is believed that Arthur Morgan has killed an estimated 50, 120, 226, 174, 175 and 404 NPCs. This brings the total to a whopping 1,149 murdered NPCs.

Why did Arthur go mad? ›

An increasingly unhinged Arthur continues to struggle with war trauma when he kills a young boy in the boxing ring by beating him to death. He is later confronted in The Garrison Pub by Mrs. Ross, the mother of the boy he killed.

Who does Arthur have a crush on? ›

Sally MacGill is Arthur's babysitter in "Crushed". She is a 16-year-old bear hired by Arthur's parents. Arthur developed a crush on her because of her skill in video games.

Does John inherit Arthur's money? ›

Arthur's wallet of money is also cleared out, but John receives $20,000, which is more than enough to buy anything. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. So before you finish the mission "Red Dead Redemption," you might as well spend that saved cash.

What did Arthur Morgan's grave say? ›

On an honorable Arthur's tombstone, it reads, "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness." In contrast, the words written about the dishonorable version of the protagonist say, "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn For They Will Be Comforted." His honor also impacts what animal is at his grave: an eagle for high ...

How old is Arthur Morgan when he dies? ›

1863+36=1899. Arthur is 36 years old at the time of his death.

What does Dutch say before he died? ›

We can't fight nothin'." He also claims that (which are also his last words) "Our time is passed, John...", before falling to his death.

What does "I tried in the end I did" mean? ›

I tried. In the end... I did." It's only right that, once players have done all there is to do in the world of Red Dead Redemption II, John visits the grave of the man who saved his life countless times and, ultimately, sacrificed himself so that he and his family could escape the implosion of the van der Linde gang.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.