Does coconut and nutmeg have to be avoided if you have a nut allergy? (2024)

Does coconut and nutmeg have to be avoided if you have a nut allergy?

If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet. Nutmeg is a spice that is derived from seeds, not nuts. It may be safely consumed by people with a tree nut allergy.

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Is nutmeg safe for people with a nut allergy?

Despite its name, nutmeg isn't a nut. It's really a seed. If you have a nut allergy, you may be able to eat nutmeg without any risk of an allergic reaction. However, if you have a seed allergy, you may need to avoid nutmeg since it's technically from a seed.

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Should you avoid coconut if you have a nut allergy?

If you have a nut allergy, you need to talk to your doctor about what foods to avoid. Even though coconut isn't a nut, some people who are allergic to tree nuts (like almonds, cashews, and walnuts) are also allergic to coconut. But others are not. So talk to your doctor to see if coconut is OK for you.

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Is coconut flour OK for nut allergies?

However, there is a good chance that you could safely eat coconut flour if you have a nut allergy, but it just depends on your specific allergies.

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Are coconuts allowed in nut free schools?

Can items with coconut be brought to school? Yes. Coconut is actually the seed of a drupaceous fruit and does not trigger a reaction in a person with a tree-nut allergy. Patients diagnosed with tree-nut allergy are not advised to avoid coconut.

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Can coconut cause nut allergy?

Coconut is a very different plant from peanut or tree nuts. The presence of the letters "nut" does not mean that coconut will trigger an allergic reaction in people allergic to peanut or tree nuts. Allergies to peanut and tree nuts are relatively common compared to allergies to coconut which are very rare.

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(Food Allergy Canada)
Is coconut considered a tree nut?

Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut.

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(She Cooks)
Is nutmeg considered a tree nut?

No! Although the word nutmeg contains the word “nu*t,” it is not related to peanuts or tree nuts. It is a dried seed, which is ground to make a spice.

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Can you drink almond milk if allergic to nuts?

Risks Associated With Almond Milk

Almond milk has health benefits, but there are also some drawbacks to keep in mind: Nut allergies. Don't drink almond milk if you're allergic to tree nuts, as it can cause a reaction.

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Can people with tree nut allergies eat coconut oil?

Therefore, there is no general recommendation that patients with tree nut allergy should avoid coconut. Rare exceptions have been reported in scientific research papers. Two people allergic to walnuts were found to react to coconuts due to a cross-reacting protein.

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What to avoid with nut allergy?

You may find peanuts or tree nuts in things like these:
  • Baked goods: Cookies, candy, pastries, pie crusts, and others.
  • Candy: Chocolate candy especially; also nougat and marzipan.
  • Other sweets: Ice cream, frozen desserts, puddings, and hot chocolate.
  • Cereals and granola.
  • Trail mix.
  • Chili and soups. ...
  • Grain breads.
Sep 17, 2022

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What to avoid with a tree nut allergy?

Unexpected Sources of Tree Nuts: Breakfast cereals, Candy, Crackers, Cookies, Chocolates, energy bars, flavored coffee, frozen desserts, marinade, barbeque sauces, some cold cuts, ice cream, alcoholic beverages (flavorings), lotions, shampoos, and soaps.

Does coconut and nutmeg have to be avoided if you have a nut allergy? (2024)
Are Cheerios nut free?

Only Multi Grain Cheerios Peanut Butter contains PEANUTS. All other varieties, including original Cheerios, Multi Grain Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Chocolate Cheerios, Cinnamon Burst Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios, and Yogurt Burst Cheerios, do not contain nuts.

Are Cheerios made in a nut free facility?

The best example of this is that Cheerios are made in a different facility than the Honey Nut Cheerios. However some manufacturers do not use a different facility and therefore the label may read "made in a facility that also processes nuts". If we find this on a label, we do not use that food product.

Is Nutella safe for nut allergies?

Nutella does not have peanuts in it, so yes, it is safe for those with peanut allergies. The ingredients are sugar and palm oil (more than 50%), as well as hazelnuts, cocoa, skimmed milk, whey, soy lecithin, and vanilla. The precise combination varies by country, but peanuts are not found in any of the lists.

Can you drink coconut water if you have a tree nut allergy?

Although the Food and Drug Administration labels coconut as a tree nut, the vast majority of tree nut-allergic individuals also tolerate coconut without difficulty, since coconut is not truly a nut, but rather a fruit.

Is A Pine nut a nut?

Although pine nuts are technically seeds, the FDA classifies pine nuts as a type of tree nut. According to Food Allergy Research and Education, seeds that have been known to cause an allergic reaction include sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and poppy seeds. Mustard seeds can also cause an allergic reaction.

Is a water chestnut a tree nut?

NO. Despite the name water chestnuts are not a nut and come from the edible portion of a plant root. Chestnuts are in a different botanical category to peanuts and also to tree nuts and most people with chestnut allergy can tolerate peanuts and tree nuts.

Why does FDA say coconut is a tree nut?

Is Coconut a Tree Nut Allergen? While coconuts grow on trees and contain the word 'nut' in their title, Coconuts are botanically a drupe, a fruit with several hard layers. Despite this, they still fall under FDA's designation of 'tree nuts' for the purpose of FALCPA.

How long after eating nuts will an allergic reaction occur?

Food allergy symptoms usually develop within a few minutes to two hours after eating the offending food. Rarely, symptoms may be delayed for several hours. The most common food allergy symptoms include: Tingling or itching in the mouth.

Can you outgrow a nut allergy?

About 80 percent of people with egg, milk and wheat allergies outgrow them, usually by age 16. About 20 to 25 percent of children with peanut allergies outgrow them, and about 80 percent who outgrow them will do so by age 8. Allergies to tree nuts, fish and shellfish may be tougher to outgrow and are often lifelong.

Can nutmeg trigger a peanut allergy?

We are not aware of any hard evidence to suggest that people with nut allergy are at risk from nutmeg. Allergy to nutmeg exists in its own right, but the incidence is rare. In a French study, allergy tests to spices were carried out in 589 patients with food allergy and suspected allergy to spices.

Does paprika have nuts in it?

Approximately 81% of all cumin and paprika products sampled in this survey did not contain any detectable levels of undeclared gluten and/or peanut, while 57 of the samples tested in this survey were found positive for 1 or both undeclared allergens.

Are chickpeas safe for nut allergies?

Peanuts grow underground and are considered legumes. Most individuals with peanut allergy can tolerate other legumes, such as peas, soya beans, lentils, and chickpeas. Fewer than 5-10% of peanut allergic people have an allergy to other legumes.

Can I drink coconut milk if I'm allergic to nuts?

The botanical distance between coconuts and tree nuts would suggest that people with tree nut allergy should be able to tolerate coconut and studies have shown that this is generally true. Therefore, there is no general recommendation that patients with tree nut allergy should avoid coconut.

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