How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (2024)

Last updated on Oct 26, 2023

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Identify their values


Challenge their beliefs


Show them the benefits

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Provide support and accountability

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Inspire them with stories

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Encourage them to have fun

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Here’s what else to consider

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As a personal coach, you may encounter clients who are reluctant to invest in themselves, either financially, emotionally, or practically. They may have limiting beliefs, fears, or doubts that prevent them from taking action and achieving their goals. How can you motivate them to overcome these barriers and commit to their own growth and success? Here are some tips to help you.

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  • Gloria S. Financial System Specialist

    How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (5) 2

How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (6) How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (7) How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (8)

1 Identify their values

One of the first steps to motivate your clients is to identify their core values and how they align with their goals. Values are the principles that guide your clients' decisions and actions, and they reflect what matters most to them. By helping your clients discover their values, you can show them how investing in themselves is not a selfish or wasteful act, but a way to honor their true selves and live authentically. You can use various tools and exercises to help your clients explore their values, such as the values card sort, the values wheel, or the values affirmation.

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  • Helping a client get ready for coaching is just as if. It more important than the coaching experience itself. Sometimes potential clients don’t see the value of investing in themselves because they can’t see the bigger picture. Helping them to see the possibilities is a way to get them to see more for themselves versus all they can see right now. I typically start with asking them to share their BHAG. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) and the working backwards to begin with the end in mind.


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2 Challenge their beliefs

Another way to motivate your clients is to challenge their limiting beliefs and assumptions that hold them back from investing in themselves. Limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts and stories that your clients tell themselves about themselves, others, or the world, and they often stem from past experiences, fears, or social conditioning. By challenging these beliefs, you can help your clients reframe them into more empowering and positive ones, and open up new possibilities and opportunities for them. You can use techniques such as the cognitive behavioral coaching, the Socratic questioning, or the ladder of inference to help your clients examine and change their beliefs.

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  • Gloria S. Financial System Specialist

    One thing I found helpful is to create a non-judgmental space where clients feel comfortable expressing their beliefs and exploring alternative viewpoints. Using this space, you can ask thought-provoking questions to engage your clients in a conversation by asking questions that may challenge their existing beliefs or assumptions. Share relevant research findings or data that contradicts their beliefs to support your alternative perspective. Encourage critical thinking allowing your clients to critically evaluate your examples. Encourage them to attend trainings such as conferences, workshops, or networking events to interact with those who hold alternative views.


    How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (26) 2

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3 Show them the benefits

A third way to motivate your clients is to show them the benefits and outcomes of investing in themselves. Sometimes, your clients may not see the value or the impact of your coaching services, or they may have unrealistic or vague expectations. By showing them the benefits and outcomes of investing in themselves, you can help them see the return on their investment, and how it can improve their personal and professional lives. You can use methods such as the SMART goal setting, the vision board, or the success journal to help your clients clarify and visualize their goals, measure their progress, and celebrate their achievements.

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4 Provide support and accountability

A fourth way to motivate your clients is to provide support and accountability throughout their coaching journey. Investing in themselves may not be easy or comfortable for your clients, and they may face challenges, setbacks, or resistance along the way. By providing support and accountability, you can help your clients overcome these obstacles, stay on track, and keep moving forward. You can use strategies such as the coaching contract, the action plan, or the feedback loop to help your clients define their roles and responsibilities, commit to their actions, and review their results.

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5 Inspire them with stories

A fifth way to motivate your clients is to inspire them with stories of people who have invested in themselves and achieved their goals. Stories are powerful tools to engage your clients' emotions, imagination, and curiosity, and they can help your clients relate to others who have faced similar challenges, overcome them, and succeeded. By inspiring them with stories, you can help your clients see the potential and the possibilities of investing in themselves, and motivate them to take action and follow their dreams. You can use sources such as books, podcasts, videos, or testimonials to help your clients find and learn from stories that resonate with them.

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6 Encourage them to have fun

A sixth way to motivate your clients is to encourage them to have fun and enjoy the process of investing in themselves. Investing in themselves does not have to be boring, stressful, or daunting for your clients, and it can be an exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling experience. By encouraging them to have fun and enjoy the process, you can help your clients relax, be more creative, and discover new aspects of themselves. You can use activities such as games, quizzes, puzzles, or hobbies to help your clients have fun and enjoy the process of investing in themselves.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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Personal Coaching How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (27)

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How can you motivate clients who are not willing to invest in themselves? (2024)


How to motivate an unmotivated client? ›

Many variables influence someone's motivation to work on new skills between sessions
  1. Use a planner. ...
  2. Set realistic goals. ...
  3. Provide rationale. ...
  4. Build accountability. ...
  5. Measure progress. ...
  6. Link new habits to old ones. ...
  7. Identify the optimal work environment. ...
  8. Build in rewards.

How can you help a client develop their own motivational strategy? ›

Some strategies that can be effective include exploring the client's values and beliefs, identifying their personal goals and aspirations, breaking down larger goals into smaller, more achievable steps, and using motivational interviewing techniques to help the client identify their own reasons for change.

What is the best therapy for lack of motivation? ›

Cognitive behavioral therapy offers an effective treatment for low motivation. It involves a combination of changing unhelpful thinking patterns and behavioral patterns. These changes result in both increased motivation and increased accomplishment.

How would you help someone that lacks motivation at work? ›

Break tasks in to manageable chunks

Breaking tasks into smaller chunks leading up to the ultimate goal can help manage thoughts about the process. Focusing on the individual tasks needed to complete a project can help stay present and in the moment.

How do you motivate someone who is not self motivated? ›

Try helping them list the pros and cons of making the change. Give them credit for the positive changes they do make. Remind them of their past accomplishments to help them believe in themselves. If they try something and don't succeed, give them credit for trying.

How do you motivate someone who doesn't want to do anything? ›

In this article, we'll outline five ways to motivate the unmotivated.
  1. Change Up Tasks. The first way to motivate the unmotivated is to change up tasks. ...
  2. Build New Bonds. The second way to motivate the unmotivated is to build new bonds. ...
  3. Reframe The Work. ...
  4. Provide More Feedback. ...
  5. Watch The Stress. ...
  6. Watch. ...
  7. Listen.
Jan 2, 2023

What is the best motivational technique? ›

5 motivational techniques to help you achieve your goals
  • Set yourself a bigger goal.
  • Set smaller goals along the way.
  • Do your research.
  • Get support.
  • Stay positive.

What strategies could you use to empower a client? ›

​At a glance
  • being respectful and non-judgemental.
  • building a relationship where the person feels comfortable to discuss their feelings and what they want.
  • focussing on strengths and abilities.
  • supporting and encouraging involvement in decision making.
  • respecting the decisions a person makes about their own life.

How do you intrinsically motivate clients? ›

There are three simple ways you can learn to foster clients' intrinsic motivation to encourage change.
  1. Motivational Interviewing. You can use motivational interviewing to evoke change talk in clients. ...
  2. Strategic Reflective Listening. ...
  3. Scaling Questions.
Aug 9, 2023

How to fix lack of motivation? ›

Set clear, well-aligned goals

Having a clear and specific goal can provide direction and give you a reason to stay motivated. Bonus points if you can tie your goals to your values or a sense of purpose to keep going. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make them seem less overwhelming.

What helps increase motivation? ›

Strategies that can help with motivation include:
  • Use incentives and rewards carefully to avoid undermining intrinsic motivation.
  • Introduce new challenges to build interest.
  • Be cautious about using visualization.
  • Be willing to take leadership roles.
  • Focus more on the process than the outcome.
Feb 14, 2024

Which motivation is most effective? ›

Research confirms that intrinsic motivation is the one that generally leads to the most positive outcomes. You might have heard of Self Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan) which looks at the interaction between extrinsic forces and intrinsic motives and needs.

What to say to someone who is struggling with motivation? ›

Encouraging words you can recite to instil confidence
  • "This is what you're going through, not who you are."
  • "You're doing awesome!"
  • "This is tough, but you're tougher."
  • "Don't stress. ...
  • "The next chapter of your life is going to be so amazing."
  • "Be good to yourself. ...
  • "Take everything one day at a time."
May 3, 2023

How do you motivate unmotivated people at work? ›

How to increase employee motivation
  1. Get to know your team. ...
  2. Be a transparent, respectful, and supportive manager. ...
  3. Get to know your team. ...
  4. Communicate goals, and offer regular feedback. ...
  5. Recognise great work. ...
  6. Acknowledge challenges. ...
  7. Enhance the workspace. ...
  8. Offer career progression.

How to give motivation to someone? ›

Here's how to motivate people in 6 proven steps:
  1. Understand Their Personality Type. People are motivated by different things. ...
  2. Equip Them With the Skills Needed to Succeed. ...
  3. Set Shared Goals & Clear Expectations. ...
  4. Give Them Ownership Over Their Work. ...
  5. Provide Consistent Feedback & Coaching. ...
  6. Praise Them for Work Well-Done.
Mar 1, 2020

How to motivate unmotivated patients? ›

Motivate Patients

By setting achievable goals and tracking progress, patients experience a sense of accomplishment, fostering a deeper commitment to their treatment plans.

How do you motivate someone who is unmotivated at work? ›

Unmotivated Employees? Follow This Advice To Keep Them Engaged
  1. Invest In, Respect And Reward Employees. ...
  2. Give Employees A Sense Of Purpose. ...
  3. Demonstrate Interest In Employees' Personal Lives. ...
  4. Offer Flexible Work Hours. ...
  5. Explain How Employees Help Meet Company Goals. ...
  6. Celebrate Wins. ...
  7. Empower Employees To Envision Their Futures.
Jan 30, 2023

What do you say to someone who feels unmotivated? ›

Here are a few of their very, very good suggestions.
  • You're right, this sucks. ...
  • You don't walk this path alone. ...
  • I believe in you… ...
  • How can I help? ...
  • I'm here if you want to talk (walk, go shopping, get a bit to eat, etc.). ...
  • I know it's hard to see this right now, but it's only temporary…

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.