First Days in Call of War (2024)

Welcome to Call of War! Are you ready to fight for provinces and dominate the world? If you are, then keep reading!


  • 1 Before You Start
  • 2 First Day
  • 3 Day 2
  • 4 Day 3
  • 5 Day 4
  • 6 Attacking/Defending Enemy Countries

Before You Start[]

Please check the game and Bytro rules, as you don't want to get in trouble without knowing that you did! Most games have anti-cheat systems, so do not play the same game with two accounts with the same network, otherwise the anti-cheat will activate. Some games may allow teams or coalitions. These are groups of people who work together to achieve victory.

Another tip, check the day of the game of which you are entering! If it is later than Day 4, it is probably best not to enter! Also check how many people are in. If it is almost full, it is guaranteed that people will be ahead of you and may attack you first with you having no way to defend! Anonymous rounds mean that you have no idea who you are fighting or allying with until the game is over. Check for Elite AI as well! These AI are much smarter than the regular AI, and will try to resist your attack. You do not want to enter a game and realize that you are having a hard time with them unless you know what you are doing. (When joining rounds with Elite AI, or any round, you should stay online, checking at least 3 times a day, It will help.)

Once you get to the country selection screen, try to select countries that are strategically positioned so that you will not have a hard time fighting. Examples are countries with only one direction to expand in the beginning, countries with a coast, and countries that are islands. Take time to decide which country you are going to pick, as it may affect how easy or hard it is to win. Different countries employ different doctrines. Allies, Axis, Comintern, and Pan-Asian (but the starting 50 player map does not have Pan-Asian). Doctrines give pros & cons to your combat and research, so you should consider doctrines when you pick countries.

First Day[]

Once you enter the game, you should start your research. It's best to research level 1 infantry and level 1 armored car first. These two units don't take long to research (30 mins each, but 20 minutes for the countries of the Allies Doctrine). Level 1 infantry will unlock other unarmored units and level 1 armored car unlocks the rest of the armored tab.

While your units are being researched, you should build production buildings (barracks, tank plants, ordnance foundries, etc.) For now, barracks and tank plants are enough (you can build others too but barracks and tank plants are the priority). Once the research and production buildings are completed, you can start producing your units! If you have enough resources, you should also build industries in resource producing provinces to increase resource production. When your barracks are constructed, your research on infantry should be also be done. Produce a few infantries to get some early units for combat.

Try to be aware of your borders, for you should use troops that are in country and move them to your borders, It will help protect your borders.

You should start moving your units to the border of a country that you want to attack. It is suggested to attack an AI country first, rather than a player country. Alternatively, you can choose to preserve your military strength for future battles. After your first two researches are finished, you can move on to researching other units. Light tank, anti-tank, rocket artillery (available on day 1 if you choose Comintern doctrine), or submarines are good options.

Tips on attacking your first country: AI countries are weak. They have very little troops to start off with, plus they are small and the AI is nowhere as skilled as players. Most AI countries only have 1 city, but they are still worth attacking so that you can get an extra city. In the current version of Call of War, only urban provinces can produce units, so you should hold as many cities as possible. Make sure you defend your borders in all directions. When you choose to attack a country, you can be flanked from the side, or attacked from behind. Don't let your guard down.

It is not required to produce as many buildings and units as you can. Focus constructing buildings in cities and only produce units that are most essential. Infantries are suggested. Armored cars is very good for the early game. You can rush in to AI-countries and win easilly. But they can be skipped to save resources for light tanks. A few anti-tank guns and artillery would also be good options.

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Day 2[]

Once Day 2 arrives, you will notice that a new batch of researches are available. Only research the ones that are crucial to increasing your military strength. For example, if you're not encountering enemies that use a large sum of aircraft, then researching and/or producing anti-air guns would be useless. It is also quite unlikely that an enemy can produce a lot of aircraft in the first 2 days, so you don't need to rush researching anti-air guns. Anti-tank guns would be more useful as most players would use tanks of all kinds, even though stronger tanks are not yet available in early days.

Depending on your doctrine, different units might be unlocked in the research tab. For example, the Comintern doctrine allows rocket artillery to be researched on day 1, while the allies doctrine has to wait until day 2.

Units to research on day 2 (may or may not be available to you): Level 2 infantry, rocket artillery, medium tank, submarine (if you haven't already), etc.

What to research/produce also depends on your play style. You might like to play around with a lot of aircraft, so in that case, you need to build lots of aircraft factories/airstrips. You also need to research interceptors, tactical bombers, and attack bombers. If you want to attack quickly and aggressively, you might choose to research motorized infantry and tanks as they have faster movement compared to infantries.

Again, you should defend your border at all times. You can take risks and not defend parts of your borders, but if one of your cities is on the border, then you must leave troops guarding it. You can't afford to lose a city, unless there is an obvious advantage to strategically retreat.

On Day 1, you might have already started invading an AI country, so on Day 2, you can proceed to conquer the rest of that country. If you haven't started expanding on the previous day, then you should do so by this time. Alternatively, you can keep stacking up units and wait for the next day, but time is ticking. Don't lose your chances to expand early game.

TIP FOR COMBAT (IMPORTANT): Please DO NOT send units to attack one by one. This is the worst method you can do. Always stack multiple units together as you invade enemies. If you're fighting against players, send units in groups of 4/5 (at least, 5 or more is suggested). You can use your interceptor (the one you start off with) to patrol nearby countries and see if they are making any moves towards you.

TIP FOR BUILDING (IMPORTANT): Mainly focus building in cities. By leveling up production buildings (like barracks, secret labs, tank plants...), you can produce units faster. Though I don't suggest trying to max out up production buildings early game, as you need to save resources to actually produce units. Propaganda offices and recruiting stations are not crucial in early game. Building industries and local industries will help to increase your resource production, but may use up your metal, oil, and rare materials supply.

Day 3[]

Continue expanding your country by attacking nearby countries. It is best to engage war with one country at a time, as you don't want to exhaust your military strength. Don't direct all your attention to a single battle and completely forget about guarding your borders. Anyone can sneak attack you and catch you off-guard. Choose an expansion route that is strategically beneficial to you.

Example for Europe: Clash of Nations map.

If you play as Caucasus, you might attack Cossack Republic on Day 2 and finish off Cossack Republic on Day 3. Then, you can move west to attack Ukraine, or Russian Empire. If you choose to attack Ukraine, then you must guard your border with Russian Empire. Do the same (vice versa) if you choose to invade Russian Empire first. Alternatively, you can also move south for Turkey.

Keep researching new units if required. Again, you DON'T need to research everything that is available to you. Only research the ones that you might produce the most. At this point of the game, motorized infantry, medium tank, and rocket artillery is suggested. You might also get some aircraft for air assaults, but it's not very crucial, as aircraft can't conquer provinces. If you want to preserve resources for an expensive research, that's fine. Just leave your research slots temporarily idle.

Day 4[]

By this point, you should have taken out at least one AI country and probably started attacking a player country. Produce units in your core provinces and send them to the front line. Don't put an order to push an army through multiple provinces. You should take provinces row by row, instead of crushing them as fast as you can. You won't know what troops the enemy has placed in the provinces behind the border. If you put down an order to rush straight towards the capital, your army will take a lot of damage along the way and by the time it arrives at the capital, its hitpoints might be critically low.

Level up your production buildings so that you can produce units faster. If you lose a lot of units in battles, you should produce new units to replenish your army strength, otherwise you will be overpowered. If required, retreat your troops to a better location. You might need to abandon some provinces in order to reduce high death numbers.

Final tip for you all: Don't be reckless. There is no need to push as fast as you can. You might be going for the blitzkrieg strategy, but it won't pay off unless the enemy is unprepared. Stack up units into a decent-sized group until you press them forwards, and remember to guard your border (especially in the opposite direction).

Attacking/Defending Enemy Countries[]

(NOTE: This is to explain deeper into attacking on the first few days.)

When attacking an enemy country, try to make strategic stacks of units, being that the easiest way to invade somebody is to make unit stacks of: 3 Infantry, 1 Armored Car, 1 Anti-Air unit. Or if you aren't really that picky, just send infantry and ordinance in to invade. Now when doing this, you want to be ready for a counter offensive, which are surprising and usually non-strategic. This will move us to the second part of this section, defending from them.

When being invaded early, move your units to a strategic position, usually back to the provinces surrounding your main cities, for reinforcement will arrive faster. Also try to ally with countries on the opposite side of your invading country, for usually these as I call, "Evaders" or Early Invaders, will weaken their borders just to take you out. If you are the Invader, Watch your borders before being an Evader, as I said, they will be asking for help in a desperate manner, and If a neutral country sees this, they will play the smart move and invade. Counter Attacks can be a result of this, so always be ready.

Good luck on your Call of War games!

(Disclaimer: These tips do not ensure a victory in any Call of War match. You need to use your wits to survive and expand. Don't come back complaining how this guide is trash. If you have suggestions to improve the guide, please comment below.)

First Days in Call of War (2024)


What should I do first in Call of War? ›

It's best to research level 1 infantry and level 1 armored car first. These two units don't take long to research (30 mins each, but 20 minutes for the countries of the Allies Doctrine). Level 1 infantry will unlock other unarmored units and level 1 armored car unlocks the rest of the armored tab.

How long is a day in Call of War? ›

A: Call of War progresses in real time, and each ingame day lasts 24 hours in real life (unless the game round is a speed event). Each 24 hours a daychange happens, at which point certain important calculations take place.

How to attack in Call of War? ›

By issuing an attack command on the target, the ranged army moves towards the target and attacks as soon as the target gets into the range circle. Idling ranged armies also initiate combat automatically if an enemy army enters their attack range circle.

What is the best country to start with in Call of War? ›

Ideally, you should be in a coalition with some bordering countries. Not having to fight wars allows you to build and upgrade your armies, develop your economy and provides a morale boost. Winner: Once again, the United Kingdom takes the cake here due to bordering no playable countries.

How do you get money fast in Call of War? ›

You can earn War Cash by completing Special Ops missions, which are earned based on the difficulty the misssion is completed on. Survival is the easiest and fastest way to earn War Cash. In Multiplayer, after Prestiging, you may earn some War Cash, but its only purpose is in Special Ops or the Upgrade Shop.

What happens if you lose your capital in Call of War? ›

If the capital is lost your entire nation will drastically lose morale, so it is important to protect your capital from invasion. There can only be one capital per country but the capitol can be constructed in another city than the one it is currently in.

Is Call of War real time? ›

Conquer provinces, forge alliances, and build up your economy in real-time during week-long game rounds in a persisting world.

What is the defensive strategy in Call of War? ›

Defensive. This is the primary counter to a rush-based strategy. Similarly to it, defensive strategy is also mostly military, focusing on the production of units. However, it calls instead for border defense and mass production of units that deal high defensive damage, such as Infantry.

How to scout in Call of War? ›

Scouting allows you to gather information about player cities and their defending troops, available resources and technology bonuses. You can also scout mines to find out how many enemy troops are gathering resources on a tile. Tap on a chosen tile and select the Scout button to send out your Scout Drone.

How do you end a game in Call of War? ›

The main goal of Call of War is to gather Victory Points by conquering other nation's provinces. Once the Victory Points threshold has been reached and the next game day starts, the game round will end. The player or coalition with the most Victory Points wins.

Can AI attack you in Call of War? ›

If you are high up on the most dreaded list, you can expect AIs to attack you soon, so beware! You can also use this information to improve your own popularity with AI. For example you could declare war on most dreaded nations, or you could ally yourself with most popular nations.

Who owns Call of War? ›

Call of War by Bytro Wikia | Fandom. Call of War is a real-time strategy game set in the times of World War 2.

Can you trade troops in Call of War? ›

Units and provinces can only be traded after day 7. Units you give/receive will have the level of their original owners. This means that you can have units with a higher/lower level than you have currently researched.

What is the right of way in Call of War? ›

Right of Way

Often used for building trust between potential allies, RoW allows military access through a foreign country without declaring war or shared map. With right of way relations you can move units through their country, but only foreign units within the visibility range of your own units can be seen.

What is the 1st mission in Call of Duty? ›

The first mission occurs toward midnight on 5 June 1944, as part of the airborne operations which began the invasion of Normandy. The mission begins as Martin lands outside the town of Sainte-Mère-Église as a pathfinder to lay a drop zone beacon for other paratroopers.

Who goes first in war card game? ›

Anyone may deal first. Each player places their stack of cards face down, in front of them.

What do you get for winning in Call of War? ›

On most maps not only winners receive gold, but all players who remained active in the game round until the end. The list of rewards for your current game round can be found in the Rewards tab Newspaper (currently only on Desktop).

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.