What Is Communism? (2024)

Communism is an economic system where the group owns thefactors of production. The factors of production arelabor, entrepreneurship,capital, andland. Although the government doesn't legally own the labor force, the central planners tell the people where they should work.

Key Takeaways

  • Karl Marx outlined 10 key principles in his manifesto, which is attributed as the origin of communism.
  • Communism is often set in contrast to capitalism and often compared to socialism, though the two have distinct differences.
  • Communist systems have centrally positioned power structures, which have advantages and disadvantages.
  • The last five remaining Communist countries are China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam, though their politics are in various states of change.

The Origins of Communism

German philosopher Karl Marx developed thetheory of communism.He said it was, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." In his view, capitalistic owners would no longer siphon off all the profits. Instead, the proceeds would go to the workers. To Marx, this meant that people would work at what they loved and did well. They would happily contribute these skills for the good of all. The economy would prosper because they would work harder than in capitalism.

"To each according to his need" meant the community would take care of those who couldn't work. It would distribute goods and services to everyone as they required them. Those who were able to work would be motivated by enlightened self-interest.

10 Characteristics of Communism in Theory

In theCommunist Manifesto, Marx and co-author Friedrich Engels outlined the following 10 points.

  • Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes
  • A heavy progressive tax or graduated income tax
  • Abolition of all rights of inheritance
  • Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels
  • Centralization of credit in the hands of the state
  • The state would control communication and transportation
  • The state factories and instruments of production would cultivate wastelands and improve the soil
  • Equal liability of all to labor and establishment of industrial armies (especially for agriculture)
  • The gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country
  • Free education for all children in public schools and the abolition of children's factory labor

The manifesto mentions state ownership in its last three points, making even this pure vision of communism sound likesocialism. But Marx argued that state ownership is a valid stage in the transition to communism.


In a true communist economy, the community makes decisions. In most communist countries, the government makes those decisions on their behalf. This system is called acommand economy.

The leaders create a plan that outlines their choices, and it's executed with laws,regulations, and directives. The goal of the plan is to give to "each according to his need." Communist countries have free health care, education, and other services. The plan also seeks to increase the nation'seconomic growth, secure national defense, and maintain infrastructure.

The state owns businesses on behalf of the workers, which, in effect, means the government owns amonopoly. The government rewards company managers for meeting the targets detailed in the plan. In communism, central planners replace the forces of competition and the laws of supply and demand that operate in amarket economy, as well as the customs that guide atraditional economy.

Differences Among Communism, Socialism,Capitalism, and Fascism

Communism is most similar tosocialism. In both, the people own the factors of production. The most significant difference is that output is distributed according to need in communism. Communism is most different fromcapitalism, where private individuals are the owners, but it is similar tofascismin that both use central plans. Fascism allows individuals to retain factors of production, and many countries turned to fascism to ward off communism.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Communism


  • Centrally planned economy creates effectivity

  • Promotes equality on a philosophical level


  • Social goals take precedence over individual self-interest

  • Eliminates free market

Advantages Explained

  • Centrally planned economy: A communist country with a centralized economy can quickly mobilize economic resources on a large scale, execute massive projects, and create industrial power. Communist command economies can wholly transform societies to conform to the planner's vision. Examples include StalinistRussia, MaoistChina, and Castro's Cuba. Russia's command economy built up the military strength to defeat the Nazis and then quickly rebuilt the economy after World War II.
  • Philosophical equality: Some say communism's advantages mean it is the next obvious step for any capitalistic society. They see income inequality as a sign oflate-stage capitalismand believe that capitalism's flaws mean it has evolved past its usefulness to society. They don't realize that capitalism's flaws are endemic to the system, regardless of the phase it is in.


America's Founding Fathers included the promotion of the general welfare in the Constitution to balance these flaws. It instructed the government to protect the rights of all to pursue their idea of happiness, as outlined in theAmerican Dream. It's the government's role to create a level playing field to allow that to happen.

Disadvantages Explained

  • Devaluation of individual welfare and liberty: One of the reasons a communist system can move so effectively is because it overrides individual self-interest and subjugates the welfare of the general population to achieve critical social goals.
  • No free market: The most significant disadvantage of communism stems from its elimination of thefree market. The laws ofsupplyanddemanddon't set prices—the government does. Planners lose the valuable feedback these prices provide about what the people want. They can't get up-to-date information about consumers' needs, and as a result, there is often a surplus of one thing and shortages of others.


To compensate, citizens create a market to trade the things the planners don't provide, which destroys the trust in Marx's pure communism. People no longer feel the government can give "to each according to his needs."

Communist Countries

The lastfive remaining Communist countriesareChina, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. They aren't pure communism but are transitioning from socialism, where the state owns the components ofsupply. According to Marx, that is a necessary midway point between capitalism and the ideal communist economy. Modern communist societies rely on amixed economy.


In October 1949, Mao Tse Tung established the Chinese Communist Party. In the late 1970s,China began moving towarda mixed economy. It phased out collective farms and allowed private businesses, but it still strictly follows a five-year economic plan. The government's policies favor state-owned enterprises in sectors vital to its goals. In 2009, China became the world's largest exporter. In 2014, it became theworld's largest economy.


In October 1965, the Partido Communista de Cuba became the country's official ruling party. The Soviet Union gave economic support to the impoverished country, and in return, Cuba supported its patron in the Cold War against its neighbor, the United States.

After the fall of the USSR, Cuba suffered, and in April 2011, itbegan allowing economic reforms. People in Cuba can now buy appliances, cellphones, real estate, and cars, and in 2013 the Cuban government reported that more than 500,000 people are registered as self-employed. However, many experts estimate it to be much higher.


In 1949, the nation won independence from France. In 1986, it began decentralizing control and encouraging private businesses. Laos has created tax incentives to encourage foreign direct investment because it wants to expand its economy beyond exporting its natural resources. Laos currently is under a single-party system and is ruled by the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP).

North Korea

In 1953, North Korea's allies China and Russia helped create North Korea to end theKorean War. The country followed strict central planning with communal farming. It suffered famine and poor living conditions in the 1990s and 2000s, and in 2002,it allowed semi-private marketsto sell some goods. In 2016 it used government power to spur two mass mobilizations in producing goods for market.


In 1945, communist leaderHo Chi Minh declaredhis country's independence from France. The French, backed by the United States, seized southern Vietnam. Ho, backed by China, took the northern part. France continued to rule until 1954. In 1975, the communists were successful, and in 1986,Vietnam began transitioningtoward a more market-based economy.

Other Examples in History

In 1922, theUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics was establishedwith six communist countries: Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. In 1936, the Federation became Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

By 1991,when it dissolved, the USSR contained 15 total countries. The additional nine were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

In 1955, theUSSR createdtheWarsaw Pactwith other communist military allies. They included Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

The USSR had many othercommunist allies. Many became communists in the 1970s but shifted to another form of government after the USSR collapsed. They includedAfghanistan,Angola, Benin, Congo, Ethiopia,and Mongolia.Cambodiawas a communist country from 1975 to 1979.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who invented communism?

Philosophies emphasizing cooperation, equality, and communal ownership of property go back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The modern notion of communism is usually traced back to "The Communist Manifesto." In that 19th-century work, authors Karl Marx and Friederich Engels defined their idea of communism while noting its historical roots in earlier movements.

What is the difference between Marxism and communism?

"Marxism" refers to a theory of the relationship between social classes and the economy. Communism, on the other hand, is a revolutionary political movement that actively seeks to change society. There is plenty of overlap, but not all Marxists would call themselves communists. Economists and sociologists may use Marxist theory as a method of analyzing trends and current events, but that doesn't necessarily mean they advocate for the abolition of private property or for any other communist principles.

Can you own property in a communist society?

Theoretically speaking, property ownership is one of the key distinctions between communism and socialism. In a strictly communist system, individuals have no rights to private property, as all property is communally owned, whereas a socialist society allows for individual property rights (though they may be less robust than in a capitalistic society). Practically speaking, strict adherence to the communist theory will vary by country, as some may be more socialist with respect to private property.

What Is Communism? (2024)


What is communism in simple terms? ›

Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.

What is the basic idea of communism? ›

A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes, and ultimately money and the state (or nation state). Communists often seek a voluntary state of self-governance but disagree on the means to this end.

What is communism and why is it bad? ›

Communist party rule has been criticized as authoritarian or totalitarian for suppressing and killing political dissidents and social classes (so-called "enemies of the people"), religious persecution, ethnic cleansing, forced collectivization, and use of forced labor in concentration camps.

What are examples of communism? ›

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK). These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries.

What is the easiest way to explain communism? ›

What is communism? Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public.

What is the fancy definition of communism? ›

1. : a social system in which property and goods are owned in common. also : a theory that favors such a system. 2. capitalized : a system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production with the aim of establishing a stateless society.

Has communism ever been successful? ›

Although Marxist theory suggested that industrial societies were the most suitable places for social revolution (either through peaceful transition or by force of arms), communism was mostly successful in underdeveloped countries with endemic poverty such as the Russian Empire and the Republic of China.

What are the benefits of communism? ›

Other theoretically beneficial ideas characteristic of communist societies include:
  • People are equal. ...
  • Every citizen can keep a job. ...
  • There is an internally stable economic system. ...
  • Strong social communities are established. ...
  • Competition doesn't exist. ...
  • Efficient distribution of resources.

Which is the best definition of communism? ›

Communism is a political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.

Is communism illegal in the US? ›

§§ 841–844) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the ...

What is socialism vs communism? ›

The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.

Is capitalism good or bad? ›

While capitalism helps propel innovation and prosperity in modern society, it can also create inequalities and contribute to market failures. Capitalism is the direct opposite of communism, which is a system that is controlled by the government.

What is communism life like? ›

A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access to the articles of consumption and is classless, stateless, and moneyless, implying the end of the exploitation of labour.

Who are some famous communists? ›

Communist leaders and their policies
  • Kim Il-sung (15 April 1912 8 July 1994) ...
  • Mao Zedong (26 December 1893 – 9 September 1976) ...
  • Marshal Peng Dehuai (24 October 1898 – 29 November 1974) ...
  • Joseph Stalin (18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953)
Feb 12, 2019

What is communism short answer? ›

Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth.

What words describe communism? ›

Synonyms of 'communism' in British English
  • Marxism.
  • Stalinism.
  • Marxism-Leninism.
  • state socialism.
  • Maoism.
  • Trotskyism.
  • Eurocommunism.
  • Titoism.

How is communism different from capitalism? ›

Capitalism encourages limited government intervention in economic affairs, leaving market forces to dictate production and pricing decisions. Conversely, communism requires intensive state control of trade and industry in its country. Under capitalism, individuals work for themselves to gain wealth.

What is communism vs. socialism? ›

The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.

How do you explain communism with cows? ›

Communism: If you have two cows, Government takes both and then gives you some milk. Fascism: If you have two cows, you keep the cows and give the milk to the Government; then the government sells you some milk. New Dealism: If you have two cows, you shoot one and milk the other; then you pour the milk down the drain.

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