How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 11, 2023

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Use specific and sincere praise


Share the spotlight


Delegate and empower


Ask for feedback


Celebrate and reward


Here’s what else to consider

Giving credit to team members without taking credit for their work is a crucial skill for effective teamwork. It shows respect, appreciation, and recognition for their contributions, and builds trust, morale, and motivation. It also enhances your reputation as a leader, a collaborator, and a mentor. However, it can be challenging to balance the need to acknowledge your team members' work and the need to demonstrate your own value and impact. Here are some tips on how to give credit to team members without taking credit for their work.

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  • Sheau Yun Ho Talent Catalyst | Driving Organizational Growth through Nurturing Talent and Culture | Continuous Improvement Enthusiast

    How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (3) 5

  • Siobhan Reid-Stiffell ACSI Senior Manager @ JTC

    How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (5) 5

How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (6) How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (7) How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (8)

1 Use specific and sincere praise

One of the best ways to give credit to team members is to use specific and sincere praise. Instead of making vague or generic statements, such as "good job" or "well done", highlight the specific actions, results, or qualities that made their work outstanding. For example, you could say, "Your report was very thorough and insightful. You did a great job of analyzing the data and presenting the recommendations." This shows that you paid attention to their work and appreciated their efforts. It also helps them identify their strengths and areas of improvement. Be sincere and avoid exaggerating or flattery, as this could undermine your credibility and trust.

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  • Deepak Dubey LinkedIn Community Top Voice | Technical Recruiter @ YASH Technologies | Specializing in IT Infrastructure Recruitment | Talent Acquisition Pro | Self Taught Chef

    Providing credit to a team member without directly attributing their work can be done by acknowledging their contributions in a broader context. For example, you can express appreciation for the team's success and highlight the collaborative effort, emphasizing the collective achievements rather than individual contributions. This allows you to recognize their efforts without specifically mentioning their work.


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  • Justina Opoku Food Scientist || Registered Dietitian || Supplier Development Officer

    Working in a team mostly result great outcomes. As a team lead, ensure to note down each members' contribution towards a particular task/work and ensure to acknowledge their inputs, ideas or suggestions.In acknowledging a member's inputs, ensure to mention their name and indicate the exact input he/she made to contribute to the success of the task/work. For instance, you can say; During the deliberations for improving our new product, Samuel suggested "a particular ingredient" that contributed to the crunchiness of the product, which passed market acceptability test. Be very specific and by doing this, it will encourage members to research and contribute to tasks, which in the end would benefit the whole team.


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2 Share the spotlight

Another way to give credit to team members is to share the spotlight with them. This means that you involve them in presenting, reporting, or communicating the work to others, such as clients, managers, or stakeholders. You can do this by inviting them to join you in meetings, webinars, or conferences, or by mentioning their names and roles in emails, newsletters, or social media posts. This shows that you value their input and expertise, and that you are not afraid to share the recognition and visibility with them. It also helps them develop their skills and confidence, and exposes them to new opportunities and networks.

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  • Sheau Yun Ho Talent Catalyst | Driving Organizational Growth through Nurturing Talent and Culture | Continuous Improvement Enthusiast

    Sharing the spotlight is not just about giving credit; it's about creating a culture of appreciation, collaboration, and shared success within your team.Verbally:- Directly mention team members' contributions by name during meetings, conversations etc.- Recognize their efforts publicly, like during team meetings or company-wide announcements.- Highlight their specific contributions and skills when discussing achievements.- Use phrases like "we accomplished this together" or "thanks to the hard work of..." Non-verbally:- Include team members when their work is being discussed.- Encourage them to take the lead in presenting their own work.- Offer them opportunities to answer questions or share their expertise.


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  • Sunil Roy LinkedIn's Top Voice I Leadership Coach | CEO @ Raveleja

    Shine a light on individual and team achievements publicly. Acknowledge contributions in team meetings, emails, or company-wide communications, ensuring that the spotlight is on those who deserve recognition.When crediting individuals, be specific about their contributions. Share anecdotes or examples that showcase the unique skills or efforts each team member brought to the project, reinforcing their distinct value. Be absolutely fair and impartial while doing it. A good way is to cross check your opinion by data, facts and figures.


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3 Delegate and empower

A third way to give credit to team members is to delegate and empower them. This means that you give them autonomy and authority to make decisions, solve problems, and take ownership of their work. You can do this by setting clear expectations and goals, providing feedback and support, and encouraging them to take risks and learn from mistakes. This shows that you trust and respect their abilities and potential, and that you are not a micromanager or a control freak. It also helps them grow and excel in their roles, and fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration.

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  • Siobhan Reid-Stiffell ACSI Senior Manager @ JTC

    This is a fabulous way to build future leaders but you must ensure you are supportive especially when things are not going to plan as expected


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  • Sunil Roy LinkedIn's Top Voice I Leadership Coach | CEO @ Raveleja

    Delegate responsibilities and empower team members to take the lead on projects. By entrusting them with meaningful tasks, you not only acknowledge their capabilities but also provide opportunities for professional growth.Allow team members the autonomy to make decisions within their areas of expertise. Acknowledge their expertise and show confidence in their abilities to contribute to the overall success of the team.When discussing project outcomes, attribute success to the collective ownership of the team. Emphasize that each member played a vital role in the project's success, reinforcing a sense of shared accountability.

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4 Ask for feedback

A fourth way to give credit to team members is to ask for feedback. This means that you seek their opinions, suggestions, and insights on the work, and listen to them with an open mind. You can do this by asking questions, conducting surveys, or holding discussions. This shows that you care about their perspectives and experiences, and that you are willing to learn from them and improve your own work. It also helps them feel valued and heard, and creates a feedback loop that enhances the quality and performance of the team.

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  • Aysha Masood People and Culture Manager | HR Consultant | Talent Acquisition Specialist

    A little appreciation goes a long way!I truly believe that honest appreciation/feedback can fuel up motivation in team members. One of the best way is to trust their abilities by delegating task. Let you Team Members use their skills to make decision, solve problems and bear responsibility. Another effective way of giving credit to team members is to celebrate their success and achievements by pairing with company wide recognition emails or monetary benefits.


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  • Sheau Yun Ho Talent Catalyst | Driving Organizational Growth through Nurturing Talent and Culture | Continuous Improvement Enthusiast

    By actively seeking feedback and focusing on team contributions, you can give credit to your team members and show them that their voices are valued. This fosters a culture of open communication and collaboration, ultimately leading to better results and stronger team relationships.Actively seek feedback:- Ask team members for their input on your work and leadership style.- Encourage them to share their suggestions and ideas for improvement.- Be receptive to feedback.Focus on team contributions:- When asking for feedback, emphasize that you value the team's collective effort.- Phrase your questions to elicit specific examples of individual contributions.- Use feedback to publicly acknowledge and appreciate individual efforts.

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5 Celebrate and reward

A fifth way to give credit to team members is to celebrate and reward them. This means that you acknowledge and appreciate their achievements and contributions, and provide them with incentives and recognition. You can do this by sending thank-you notes, giving shout-outs, offering bonuses, or organizing events. This shows that you are grateful and proud of their work, and that you want to share the success and happiness with them. It also helps them feel motivated and satisfied, and strengthens the team spirit and loyalty.

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  • Sheau Yun Ho Talent Catalyst | Driving Organizational Growth through Nurturing Talent and Culture | Continuous Improvement Enthusiast

    By implementing a combination of celebration and reward strategies, you can effectively give credit to team members and show them that their hard work and dedication are truly valued. This will ultimately lead to a more engaged, motivated, and high-performing team.Celebrate successes:- Recognize achievements both big and small.- Acknowledge individual contributions during celebrations.- Use a mix of public and private recognition to suit individual preferences.- Create a culture of appreciation and gratitude.Reward contributions:- Offer opportunities for professional development and training.- Provide additional responsibilities or leadership roles based on merit.


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  • Reza K. Environmental Professional with a proven track record in the Energy industry adapting and optimising sustainable practices

    I would for example create a personalised recognition ceremony within the team as suprise event. This could involve presenting a certificate or plaque highlighting the specific achievement, acknowledging their success companywide during a team meeting, and perhaps even organising a small celebration such as a team lunch or coffee outing to express collective appreciation to enrich the team with further success.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • David Sasmita

    Hands down, publicly recognize them. Even better, if that recognition also includes specific on how their actions bring impact. Doing this can have 2 effects. First, the team member being recognized know that you pay attention to what their doing and that you appreciate their action. Second, it can set the tone for the rest of the team members who hear the recognition, on what kind of behavior or action expected from them, using example already shown by their peer.


    How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (107) How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (108) 2

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  • Zeeshan Hassan Saeed Mechanical, Energy System Engineer| Ambassador @Skills Quest | 6Sigma Certified| Nano Materials| Graphic Designer| Blogger

    Overall article is good and have many tips. As sir David said earlier, publicly recognised them, it is important for any organisation to recognise. In start every one are unknown to each other but gradually links begin and then every 3rd person other. Some teamate are only joint for fun, some for task, some for both. Also, something task assign to true but suddenly conditions change and work load shift to one. Thus, balancing of work load should be done by hiring person. And it will only be done when hire kown the employee strength, teamate strengths.I believe that teamate are the best when bond with each other otherwise whole assignment will not complete.And i personally experience such condition in my final year project.


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How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? (2024)


How can you give credit to team members without taking credit for their work? ›

The Value of Feedback

If you notice an employee taking credit for another employee's work, consider offering more feedback. This approach may seem counterintuitive to many employers, but it can help the dishonest employee understand where their performance falls short.

How to respond when someone takes credit for your work interview question? ›

How to respond when someone takes credit for your work
  1. Maintain your composure. If someone takes credit for the work that you've done on a project or presentation, the first thing to do is allow yourself time to maintain your composure. ...
  2. Evaluate the circ*mstances. ...
  3. Focus on communication. ...
  4. Suggest potential solutions.
Feb 13, 2024

How to handle an employee who takes credit for the work of others? ›

The Value of Feedback

If you notice an employee taking credit for another employee's work, consider offering more feedback. This approach may seem counterintuitive to many employers, but it can help the dishonest employee understand where their performance falls short.

How would you handle a client colleague who does not give you credit for your work? ›

If it's clear they did pass of your work as theirs or they took credit for your idea, ask them (in private) if they could clarify to others that it was actually your work. You might say "I'm glad you liked my work but after your presentation some people are under a mistaken impression that you did the work.

How do you give credits to someone's work? ›

Here are some tips on how to give credit in your content effectively and respectfully.
  1. 1 Use quotation marks. ...
  2. 2 Paraphrase and summarize. ...
  3. 3 Use attribution. ...
  4. 4 Use footnotes and endnotes. ...
  5. 5 Use a bibliography or a reference list. ...
  6. 6 Use a plagiarism checker. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Aug 31, 2023

How to answer the interview question of how to deal with a difficult employee? ›

Here are three points to remember when explaining how you deal with difficult people in a job interview:
  1. Be objective and give context. ...
  2. Detail how you resolved the situation. ...
  3. Explain what you learnt from the experience.
Aug 26, 2022

How to answer an interview question about working with someone difficult? ›

How to answer "Tell me about a time you worked with difficult people"
  1. Consider an instance in which you experienced a specific challenge with a coworker. ...
  2. Speak objectively while explaining the premise of the situation. ...
  3. Reflect on the experience and take ownership of your own actions.
Jun 30, 2023

Why is it unethical to take credit for someone else's work? ›

Taking credit for someone else's work is an ethical issue. It violates the ethical principle of fair-treatment or justice. The person who wrongfully takes the credit shows disrespect to the employee who did the work. The wrongdoer exhibits a lack of integrity because of the unprincipled behavior.

Is taking credit for someone else's work unethical? ›

Justice and equality are examples of principles that are deemed universal. Example: The universal principle is: It is wrong to take credit for another's work. You have an ethical duty to give credit where credit is due. It would be an unjust outcome to take credit for someone else's work.

How do you deal with a difficult coworker who undermines you? ›

When a Coworker Undermines You in a Meeting
  1. Look at your own behavior. ...
  2. Make an effort to recognize wins. ...
  3. Model how to reframe feedback. ...
  4. Check in with your manager. ...
  5. Seek internal validation. ...
  6. Ask your coworker for help.
Aug 25, 2023

How do you deal with a toxic coworker professionally? ›

How to identify and manage toxic coworkers
  1. Review different types of toxic coworker behaviors. ...
  2. Establish boundaries. ...
  3. Disengage from negative behavior. ...
  4. Protect your mental and physical health. ...
  5. Generate practical solutions. ...
  6. Seek outside perspectives and inform leaders. ...
  7. Know your limits.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you deal with your colleague who is not taking responsibilities properly? ›

Here are some thoughts on how to handle the situation.
  1. Diagnose the problem. ...
  2. Be introspective. ...
  3. Talk to your colleague. ...
  4. Talk to your boss (but be judicious). ...
  5. Define expectations. ...
  6. Invite others in. ...
  7. Cultivate other relationships. ...
  8. Stop covering for them.
May 14, 2021

How do you give credit to team members? ›

One of the best ways to give credit to team members is to use specific and sincere praise. Instead of making vague or generic statements, such as "good job" or "well done", highlight the specific actions, results, or qualities that made their work outstanding.

What is an example of give credit? ›

I will give credit to the rest of the team, too. Sometimes you have to give credit to the opposition. I would give credit to the players as well. We often give credit to actors, but not to the behind-the-scenes staff.

How do you give credit to someone in one word? ›

Synonyms of 'credit someone with something' in British English
  1. attribute to.
  2. assign to.
  3. ascribe to.
  4. accredit to.
  5. impute to.
  6. chalk up to (informal)

How do you respond to credit goes to you? ›

When someone says "All credits go to you", a simple response could be "Thank you, but it was a team effort." or "I couldn't have done it without your help."

How do you respond to employment inquiries? ›

Provide accurate information.

Make sure the information is accurate by double-checking any employment dates, pay rates, and hours of work provided. Respond as promptly as possible and retain a copy of the employment verification in the employee's personnel file.

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How to deal with a co-worker who steals your ideas
  1. Confront the culprit. The most obvious thing to do is to call the thief out. ...
  2. Don't look for revenge. Though the most tempting of reactions, revenge is never worth it. ...
  3. Tattle on them. If all else fails, it's time to speak to your manager.
Apr 14, 2021

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