GAAP vs. IFRS: 6 Differences Between Accounting Standards (2023) - Shopify (2024)

Without accounting standards, businesses could easily skew their financial results to make themselves look more successful. It would also be much harder to compare how different companies are performing.

Here is where generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) come in. These two sets of guidelines—one American and one international—are what most companies follow when preparing financial statements. With these accounting standards in place, people can be sure businesses are accurately reporting their finances and, in turn, make informed decisions about where they invest their money.

What are generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) is the accounting standard set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. It’s a rule-based system that all domestic and Canadian publicly traded companies must follow when filing financial statements. The purpose of GAAP is to help investors analyze financial data and compare different companies to make informed financial decisions.

Learn more: You Might Be Worth More Than Your Books Indicate: Why You Need to Consider Goodwill in Accounting

What are International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)?

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are the accounting standards set by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). It’s a set of guidelines followed by 15 of the G20 countries. China, India, and Indonesia do not follow IFRS accounting standards but have similar standards, while Japan allows companies to follow IFRS standards if they choose.

What are the differences between GAAP and IFRS?

While GAAP and IFRS both pertain to how financial documents are structured and filed, there are significant differences. The two main distinctions are:

  • Enforcement. GAAP is rule-based, meaning publicly traded US companies are lawfully required to follow its directives. On the other hand, IFRS is standard-based, meaning no one is required to follow its guideline—though it’s recommended. As a result, the theoretical framework and principles of IFRS leave more room for interpretation and sometimes require lengthy disclosures on financial statements.
  • Source and scope. GAAP is US-based, while IFRS is used worldwide. The IASB, which sets IFRS, is globally influential; its accounting standards are adapted to accounting rules in countries worldwide. The US, where the Securities and Exchange Commission requires American companies to use GAAP when preparing their financial statements, is the only exception.

There are other notable differences in how GAAP and IFRS handle specific elements of various financial documents, including:

1. Inventory valuation methods

Inventory valuation is figuring out how much your inventory is worth. There are three standard accounting methods for doing this: the first in, first out (FIFO) method, which assumes that the first (or oldest) items in your inventory will be the first to sell; the last in, first out (LIFO) method, which assumes that the last (or newest) items in your inventory will be the first to sell; and the weighted average method, which uses the amount earned from selling a portion of your inventory to determine the value of the remaining portion.

Here’s how GAAP and IFRS differ when it comes to inventory valuation methods:

  • GAAP. GAAP allows companies to use any of the three inventory valuation methods. When using FIFO, GAAP uses “net asset value”—the total value of a company’s assets minus the total value of its liabilities—to determine inventory valuation.
  • IFRS. IFRS allows the FIFO and weighted average method but does not allow the LIFO method, because LIFO can be manipulated to distort a company’s earnings to lower tax liability. When using FIFO, IFRS uses “net realizable value,” which considers how much an asset might generate when sold, minus an estimate of costs, fees, and taxes associated with the sale.

2. Cash flow statement

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows precisely how cash and cash equivalents enter and exit a business over a specific reporting period. GAAP and IFRS handle cash flow statements differently, particularly in how they classify interest and dividends:

  • GAAP. With GAAP, interest paid and received, and received dividends are listed under the operating section, while dividends paid are listed in the financing section.
  • IFRS. With IFRS, all interest and dividends can be listed under the operating or financing section.

3. Balance sheet

A balance sheet is a financial statement that summarizes a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity at a given point in time. It’s essential to know how to organize your balance sheet so that your investors and other interested parties can quickly and accurately read it. GAAP and IFRS differ in how categories are arranged on a balance sheet:

  • GAAP. GAAP requires assets in order of liquidity, with the most liquid assets listed first—that is, current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, non-current liabilities, and owners’ equity.
  • IFRS. IFRS suggests putting assets in the opposite order of liquidity, with the least liquid assets listed first—that is, non-current assets, current assets, owners’ equity, non-current liabilities, and current liabilities.

4. Asset revaluation

The value of a company’s assets may fluctuate over a given period, meaning they need to be re-evaluated (i.e., reappraised). Asset revaluation is crucial because it can help you save for replacement costs of fixed assets once they’ve run through their useful lives, and gives investors a more accurate understanding of your business. Asset revaluation can also reduce your debt-to-equity ratio, which can paint a healthier financial picture of your company.

GAAP and IFRS have different approaches to asset revaluation:

  • GAAP. GAAP only allows the revaluation of fair market value for marketable securities (i.e., investments and stocks).
  • IFRS. IFRS allows for the revaluation of more assets, including plant, property, and equipment (PPE), inventories, intangible assets, and investments in marketable securities.

5. Inventory write-down reversals

A company’s inventory may lose value over time. An asset may, for example, lose value because of market or technological factors, which classifies it as a “loss on impairment.” GAAP and IFRS require that businesses write down their inventory as soon as its cost exceeds its net realizable value (i.e., how much the inventory is expected to generate when sold).

While a loss is often permanent, the value of an asset may increase again if the impairing factor is no longer present. GAAP doesn’t allow companies to re-evaluate the asset to its original price in these cases. In contrast, IFRS allows some assets to be evaluated up to their original price and adjusted for depreciation.

6. Development costs

In accounting, development costs are the internal costs of developing intangible assets—assets with no physical form, like patents, intellectual property, and client relationships. GAAP considers these expenses, while IFRS allows companies to capitalize and amortize them over multiple periods. Your accounting standard, therefore, determines where on your financial documents you must list intangible assets and affects your balance sheet’s final balance.

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What is difference between GAAP and IFRS?

GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, which are the generally accepted standards for financial reporting in the United States. IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards, which are a set of internationally accepted accounting standards used by most of the world’s countries. The key differences between GAAP and IFRS include:

  • GAAP is a framework based on legal authority while IFRS is based on a principles-based approach.
  • GAAP is more detailed and prescriptive while IFRS is more high-level and flexible.
  • GAAP requires more disclosures while IFRS requires fewer disclosures.
  • GAAP is more focused on the historical cost of assets while IFRS allows for more flexibility in the valuation of assets.

Which is better IFRS or GAAP?

It depends on the context. Generally speaking, IFRS is more widely used globally and is better for companies that operate in multiple countries, while GAAP is more focused on the US and is better for companies that only operate in the US.

Why is IFRS not used in the US?

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) is not used in the US because the US government has not adopted it as the official accounting standard. The US instead uses its own set of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The US government has indicated that it is considering adopting IFRS, but has yet to do so.

What is the difference between GAAP and IFRS in inventory?

GAAP and IFRS have some different requirements when it comes to inventory. Under GAAP, inventory must be valued at the lower of cost or market value, while IFRS requires inventory to be valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Additionally, GAAP does not allow for any inventory write-downs, whereas IFRS does. Lastly, GAAP requires that inventory be valued using a specific cost flow assumption (such as FIFO or LIFO) while IFRS does not.

GAAP vs. IFRS: 6 Differences Between Accounting Standards (2023) - Shopify (2024)


GAAP vs. IFRS: 6 Differences Between Accounting Standards (2023) - Shopify? ›

The key differences between GAAP and IFRS include: GAAP is a framework based on legal authority while IFRS is based on a principles-based approach. GAAP is more detailed and prescriptive while IFRS is more high-level and flexible.

What are the differences between GAAP and IFRS standards? ›

GAAP is more detailed and prescriptive while IFRS is more high-level and flexible. GAAP requires more disclosures while IFRS requires fewer disclosures. GAAP is more focused on the historical cost of assets while IFRS allows for more flexibility in the valuation of assets.

What is one main difference between IFRS and GAAP? ›

The primary difference between the two systems is that GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based. This difference appears in specific details and interpretations.

What is one difference between revenue recognition standards under US GAAP and the IFRS? ›

With regards to how revenue is recognized, IFRS is more general, as compared to GAAP. The latter starts by determining whether revenue has been realized or earned, and it has specific rules on how revenue is recognized across multiple industries.

What are the differences between IFRS and US GAAP in accounting for research and development expenditures? ›

Under IFRS (IAS 382), research costs are expensed, like US GAAP. However, unlike US GAAP, IFRS has broad-based guidance that requires companies to capitalize development expenditures, including internal costs, when certain criteria are met.

What is a major way in which IFRS differs from GAAP? ›

Both GAAP and IFRS allow First In, First Out (FIFO), weighted-average cost, and specific identification methods for valuing inventories. However, GAAP also allows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) method, which is not allowed under IFRS.

What are the similarities between IFRS and GAAP standards? ›

They both use accrual accounting for their financial statements, meaning balance sheets, which determine a company's assets and liabilities and income statements, the company's revenue and expenses. Not only that, but GAAP and IFRS both believe in financial statements' transparency towards investors.

What are the four basic principles of GAAP? ›

What Are The 4 GAAP Principles?
  • The Cost Principle. The first principle of GAAP is 'cost'. ...
  • The Revenues Principle. The second principle of GAAP is 'revenues'. ...
  • The Matching Principle. The third principle of GAAP is 'matching'. ...
  • The Disclosure Principle. ...
  • Why are GAAP Principles important?
Sep 10, 2021

What is the major difference between US GAAP and IFRS affecting the lease accounting practice? ›

Another key difference between IFRS Standards and US GAAP relates to the treatment of leases whose payments depend on an index or rate – e.g. a lease with payments adjusted annually for changes in the consumer price index (CPI). Under IFRS 16, the lease liability is remeasured each year to reflect current CPI.

What is the biggest difference between IFRS and US GAAP Quizlet? ›

IFRS: Effective interest method is required. Straight-line is prohibited. Amortization is done over the expected life of the bond. US GAAP: Effect interest method is required, although straight-line can be used if not materially difference.

What is the difference between IFRS 6 and US GAAP? ›

IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards, which are a set of internationally accepted accounting standards used by most of the world's countries. The key differences between GAAP and IFRS include: GAAP is a framework based on legal authority while IFRS is based on a principles-based approach.

What is the difference between IFRS and US GAAP equity method? ›

Both US GAAP and IFRS also require the changes in stockholders' or shareholders' equity to be presented. However, US GAAP allows the changes in shareholders' equity to be presented in the notes to the financial statements, while IFRS requires the changes in shareholders' equity to be presented as a separate statement.

What is the difference between IFRS and US GAAP chart of accounts? ›

While IFRS focuses on disclosure and reporting, national GAAP concentrates on accounting procedure. While IFRS does not prescribe (or even discuss) a chart of accounts, national GAAP prescribes one, making unauthorized deviations from this COA punishable by law.

What are the differences between GAAP and IFRS standards and how it makes your balance sheet? ›

The Balance Sheet

The way a balance sheet is formatted is different in the US than in other countries. Under GAAP, current assets are listed first, while a sheet prepared under IFRS begins with non-current assets. The two standards also dictate different approaches to ordering categories on the balance sheet.

What is the major difference between IFRS and US GAAP in accounting for inventories? ›

GAAP permits the use of all three of the most common methods for inventory accountability; the IFRS forbids the use of the LIFO method. IFRS requires that inventory is carried at the lower of cost or net realizable value; U.S. GAAP requires that inventory is carried at the lower of cost or market value.

What is the difference between US GAAP and IFRS cash flow statement? ›

Under IFRS Accounting Standards, the primary principle is that cash flows are classified based on the nature of the activity to which they relate. Under US GAAP, the classification of an item on the balance sheet, and its related accounting, often informs the appropriate classification in the statement of cash flows.

Which practice represents a substantive difference between US GAAP and IFRS? ›

GAAP allows LIFO; IFRS does not allow LIFO. The difference related to the costing method (LIFO) is a substantive difference between GAAP and IFRS.

What are the four principles of IFRS? ›

IFRS insists on four key principles for preparing financial statements: clarity, relevance, reliability, and comparability. Clarity means making financial statements easy to read and understand.

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