Cookie Clicker Ascension and Permaslots Guide (2024)


Note: If you've used the Pastebin guides before, you'd know that there are 5 separate pastes for these guides. They're all combined and made neater here.

Ascension allows you to sacrifice all of your cookies baked this run for heavenly chips and prestige levels, the former of which can be used to purchase permanent heavenly upgrades, while the latter boosts your production directly through a series of normal upgrades. Ascension is flexible in that you can choose when you want to ascend, but some times are better than others; ascending for the first time with a very small amount of chips, such as 1, is never recommended - the minimum for your first ascension should be no less than 213. The first ascend will usually take the longest out of them all, but it is well worth the wait.

This guide provides you with 3 options of ascension paths to choose from, and you can switch between them at any time, just know that your ascension count may not match up with the one in the guide - this is okay.

Using The Guides

Consider the following ascend taken from the guide.

17th Ascend

333,000,000,000 - Total PL: 848,692,220,538 - 611.29 quattuordecillion

Box of Not Cookies (333,000,000,000)

The first number is the ascension count, this would be for the 17th ascension, though it is okay if this number does not correspond with which ascension you are currently on.

The second number is the total cost, in heavenly chips of all heavenly upgrades to purchase in this ascend.

The third number, Total PL, is the total prestige levels (equivalent to unspent plus spent heavenly chips) you should have after this ascend to buy all heavenly upgrades up to this point.

The last number represents the total cookies baked all time that corresponds to the total prestige level; however, due to rounding and limitations of float precision the actual number may be slightly higher.

The list directly below lists the names and costs of all heavenly upgrades to purchase this ascend.

These heavenly chip and prestige level numbers are just recommended minimums, it is okay to overshoot and then reduce the amount for your next ascension, and if you overshoot by a huge amount you may be able to combine 2 or more ascends into 1. You'll also find this to be effective for Lucky Digit, Lucky Number, and Lucky Payout, which require you to end your total prestige in a certain number of 7s, while the total cost for all heavenly upgrades to that point do not end in the respective numbers of 7.

The list of what to use for each permanent upgrade slot is located after the "impatient" guide, or use the sidebar to navigate to it.

Please note that this guide uses a comma to separate thousands and a point for a decimal.

Standard Guide

1st Ascend

440 - Total PL: 440 - 85.184 quintillion

Legacy (1)

Heavenly Cookies (3)

How to Bake Your Dragon (9)

Box of Brand Biscuits (25)

Tin of British Tea Biscuits (25)

Tin of Butter Cookies (25)

Box of Macarons (25)

Starter Kit (50)

Heavenly Luck (77)

Permanent upgrade slot 1 (100)

Heralds (100)

2nd Ascend

2,887 - Total PL: 3,327 - 36.826 sextillion

Lasting Fortune (777)

Golden Switch (999)

Season Switcher (1,111)

3rd Ascend

33,585 - Total PL: 36,912 - 50.292 septillion

Twin Gates of Transcendence (1)

Angels (7)

Archangels (7)

Milk selector (9), cosmetic only

Virtues (49)

Belphegor (49)

Background selector (99), cosmetic only

Mammon (343)

Abaddon (343)

Persistent Memory (500)

Lucky Digit (777), be sure to end your total prestige in 7 upon ascending

Dominions (2,401)

Kitten Angels (9,000)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 2 (20,000)

4th Ascend

125,176 - Total PL: 162,088 - 4.2585 octillion

Satan (2,401)

Starter Kitchen (5,000)

Decisive Fate (7,777)

Golden Cookie Alert Sounds (9,999)

Unholy Bait (44,444)

Halo Gloves (55,555)

5th Ascend

844,442 - Total PL: 1,006,530 - 1.0197 nonillion

Lucky Number (77,777), be sure to end your total prestige in 777 upon ascending

Residual Luck (99,999)

Synergy Vol 1 (222,222)

Elder Spice (444,444)

6th Ascend

3,091,131 - Total PL: 4,097,661 - 68.803 nonillion

Cherubim (16,807)

Asmodeus (16,807)

Divine Sales (99,999)

Divine Discount (99,999)

Seraphim (117,649)

Beelzebub (117,649)

Divine Bakeries (399,999)

Synergy Vol 2 (2,222,222)

7th Ascend

13,233,331 - Total PL: 17,330,992 - 5.2056 decillion

Starspawn (111,111)

Starsnow (111,111)

Starterror (111,111)

Starlove (111,111)

Startrade (111,111)

Sacrilegious Corruption (444,444)

Five-Finger Discount (555,555)

Inspired Checklist (900,000)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 3 (3,000,000)

Distilled Essence of Redoubled Luck (7,777,777), if you want, you can delay this to 8th ascend, this would make numbers for this ascend 5,455,554/9,553,215/871.86 nonillion and numbers for next ascend 20,091,528/29,644,743/26.052 decillion

8th Ascend

12,313,751 - Total PL: 29,644,743 - 26.052 decillion

God (823,543)

Lucifer (823,543)

Label Printer (999,999), cosmetic only

Fanciful Dairy Selection (1,000,000), cosmetic only

Genius Accounting (2,000,000), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Wrinkly Cookie (6,666,666)

9th Ascend

77,777,777 - Total PL: 107,422,520 - 1.2396 undecillion

Lucky Payout (77,777,777), be sure to end your total prestige level in 777777 upon ascending, turn off short numbers to see your actual prestige level

10th Ascend

240,353,606 - Total PL: 347,776,126 - 42.063 undecillion

Chimera (40,353,607)

Eye of the Wrinkler (99,999,999), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Stevia Caelestis (100,000,000)

11th Ascend

900,000,000 - Total PL: 1,247,776,126 - 1.9427 duodecillion

Sugar Baking (200,000,000)

Diabetica Daemonicus (300,000,000)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 (400,000,000)

12th Ascend

3,000,000,000 - Total PL: 4,247,776,126 - 76.645 duodecillion

Sugar Craving (400,000,000)

Sugar Aging Process (600,000,000)

Sucralosia Inutilis (1,000,000,000)

Sugar Crystal Cookie (1,000,000,000)

13th Ascend

11,111,111,110 - Total PL: 15,358,887,236 - 3.6231 tredecillion

Shimmering Veil (999,999,999)

Keepsakes (1,111,111,111)

Kitten Wages (9,000,000,000)

14th Ascend

30,555,555,525 - Total PL: 45,914,442,761 - 96.794 tredecillion

Aura Gloves (555,555,555)

Cosmic Beginner's Luck (14,999,999,985)

Reinforced Membrane (14,999,999,985)

15th Ascend

86,777,777,777 - Total PL: 132,692,220,538 - 2.3363 quattuordecillion

Cat Ladies (9,000,000,000)

Fortune Cookies (77,777,777,777)

16th Ascend

383,000,000,000 - Total PL: 515,692,220,538 - 137.14 quattuordecillion

Permanent Upgrade Slot 5 (50,000,000,000)

Box of Pastries (333,000,000,000)

17th Ascend

333,000,000,000 - Total PL: 848,692,220,538 - 611.29 quattuordecillion

Box of Not Cookies (333,000,000,000)

18th Ascend

488,555,555,554 - Total PL: 1,337,247,776,092 - 2.3913 quindecillion

Luminous Gloves (55,555,555,555)

Pet the Dragon (99,999,999,999)

Box of Maybe Cookies (333,000,000,000)

19th Ascend

900,000,000,000 - Total PL: 2,237,247,776,092 - 11.198 quindecillion

Milkhelp lactose intolerance relief tablets - (900,000,000,000)

Pro Guide

1st Ascend

2,337 - Total PL: 2,337 - 12.764 sextillion

Legacy (1)

Heavenly Cookies (3)

How to Bake Your Dragon (9)

Milk Selector (9), cosmetic only

Box of Brand Biscuits (25)

Tin of British Tea Biscuits (25)

Tin of Butter Cookies (25)

Box of Macarons (25)

Starter Kit (50)

Heavenly Luck (77)

Permanent upgrade slot 1 (100)

Heralds (100)

Lasting Fortune (777)

Season Switcher (1,111)

2nd Ascend

115,307 - Total PL: 117,644 - 1.6282 octillion

Twin Gates of Transcendence (1)

Angels (7)

Archangels (7)

Virtues (49)

Belphegor (49)

Background selector (99), cosmetic only

Mammon (343)

Abaddon (343)

Persistent Memory (500)

Lucky Digit (777), be sure to end your total prestige in 7 upon ascending

Golden Switch (999)

Satan (2,401)

Dominions (2,401)

Starter Kitchen (5,000)

Decisive Fate (7,777)

Kitten Angels (9,000)

Golden Cookie Alert Sounds (9,999)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 2 (20,000)

Halo Gloves (55,555)

3rd Ascend

2,189,163 - Total PL: 2,306,807 - 12.275 nonillion

Cherubim (16,807)

Asmodeus (16,807)

Unholy Bait (44,444)

Lucky Number (77,777), be sure to end your total prestige in 777 upon ascending

Divine Sales (99,999)

Divine Discount (99,999)

Residual Luck (99,999)

Starspawn (111,111)

Starsnow (111,111)

Starterror (111,111)

Starlove (111,111)

Startrade (111,111)

Synergy Vol 1 (222,222)

Divine Bakeries (399,999)

Five-Finger Discount (555,555)

4th Ascend

25,337,936 - Total PL: 27,644,743 - 21.127 decillion

Seraphim (117,649)

Beelzebub (117,649)

Elder Spice (444,444)

Sacrilegious Corruption (444,444)

God (823,543)

Lucifer (823,543)

Inspired Checklist (900,000)

Label Printer (999,999), cosmetic only

Fanciful Dairy Selection (1,000,000), cosmetic only

Synergy Vol 2 (2,222,222)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 3 (3,000,000)

Wrinkly Cookie (6,666,666)

Distilled Essence of Redoubled Luck (7,777,777)

5th Ascend

320,131,383 - Total PL: 347,776,126 - 42.063 undecillion

Genius Accounting (2,000,000), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Chimera (40,353,607)

Lucky Payout (77,777,777), be sure to end your total prestige level in 777777 upon ascending, turn off short numbers to see your actual prestige level

Eye of the Wrinkler (99,999,999), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Stevia Caelestis (100,000,000)

6th Ascend

2,900,000,000 - Total PL: 3,247,776,126 - 34.258 duodecillion

Sugar Baking (200,000,000)

Diabetica Daemonicus (300,000,000)

Sugar Craving (400,000,000)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 (400,000,000)

Sugar Aging Process (600,000,000)

Sugar Crystal Cookie (1,000,000,000)

7th Ascend

12,666,666,665 - Total PL: 15,914,442,791 - 4.0306 tredecillion

Aura Gloves (555,555,555)

Shimmering Veil (999,999,999)

Sucralosia Inutilis (1,000,000,000)

Keepsakes (1,111,111,111)

Kitten Wages (9,000,000,000)

8th Ascend

107,777,777,747 - Total PL: 123,692,220,538 - 1.8925 quattuordecillion

Cosmic Beginner's Luck (14,999,999,985)

Reinforced Membrane (14,999,999,985)

Fortune Cookies (77,777,777,777)

9th Ascend

491,999,999,999 - Total PL: 615,692,220,537 - 233.39 quattuordecillion

Cat Ladies (9,000,000,000)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 5 (50,000,000,000)

Pet the Dragon (99,999,999,999)

Box of Pastries (333,000,000,000)

10th Ascend

721,555,555,555 - Total PL: 1,337,247,776,092 - 2.3913 quindecillion

Luminous Gloves (55,555,555,555)

Maybe Cookies (333,000,000,000)

Not Cookies (333,000,000,000)

11th Ascend

900,000,000,000 - Total PL: 2,237,247,776,092 - 11.198 quindecillion

Milkhelp lactose intolerance relief tablets (900,000,000,000)

"Impatient To Ascend" Guide

1st Ascend

213 - Total PL: 213 - 9.664 quintillion

Legacy (1)

Heavenly Cookies (3)

How to Bake Your Dragon (9)

Heralds (100)

Permanent upgrade slot 1 (100)

2nd Ascend

1,838 - Total PL: 2,051 - 8.6277 sextillion

Box of Brand Biscuits (25)

Tin of British Tea Biscuits (25)

Tin of Butter Cookies (25)

Box of Macarons (25)

Starter Kit (50)

Heavenly Luck (77)

Persistent Memory (500)

Season Switcher (1111)

3rd Ascend

14,861 - Total PL: 16,912 - 4.8371 septillion

Twin Gates of Transcendence (1)

Angels (7)

Archangels (7)

Milk selector (9), cosmetic only

Virtues (49)

Belphegor (49)

Background selector (99), cosmetic only

Mammon (343)

Abaddon (343)

Lasting Fortune (777)

Lucky Digit (777), be sure to end your total prestige in 7 upon ascending

Golden Switch (999)

Dominions (2,401)

Kitten Angels (9,000)

4th Ascend

45,577 - Total PL: 62,089 - 239.36 septillion

Satan (2,401)

Starter Kitchen (5,000)

Decisive Fate (7,777)

Golden Cookie Alert Sounds (9,999)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 2 (20,000)

5th Ascend

177,776 - Total PL: 239,865 - 13.801 octillion

Unholy Bait (44,444)

Halo Gloves (55,555)

Lucky Number (77,777), be sure to end your total prestige in 777 upon ascending

6th Ascend

322,221 - Total PL: 562,086 - 177.58 octillion

Residual Luck (99,999)

Synergy Vol 1 (222,222)

7th Ascend

633,611 - Total PL: 1,195,697 - 1.7094 nonillion

Cherubim (16,807)

Asmodeus (16,807)

Divine Sales (99999)

Divine Discount (99999)

Divine Bakeries (399999)

8th Ascend

2,899,998 - Total PL: 4,095,695 - 68.704 nonillion

Starspawn (111,111)

Starsnow (111,111)

Starterror (111,111)

Starlove (111,111)

Startrade (111,111)

Elder Spice (444,444)

Sacrilegious Corruption (444,444)

Five-Finger Discount (555,555)

Inspired Checklist (900,000)

9th Ascend

7,104,606 - Total PL: 11,200,301 - 1.4050 decillion

Seraphim (117,649)

Beelzebub (117,649)

God (823,543)

Lucifer (823,543)

Synergy Vol 2 (2,222,222)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 3 (3,000,000)

10th Ascend

18,444,442 - Total PL: 29,644,743 - 26.052 decillion

Label Printer (999,999), cosmetic only

Fanciful Dairy Selection (1,000,000), cosmetic only

Genius Accounting (2,000,000), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Wrinkly Cookie (6,666,666)

Distilled Essence of Redoubled Luck (7,777,777)

11th Ascend

77,777,777 - Total PL: 107,422,520 - 1.2396 undecillion

Lucky Payout (77,777,777), be sure to end your total prestige level in 777777 upon ascending, turn off short numbers to see your actual prestige level

12th Ascend

240,353,606 - Total PL: 347,776,126 - 42.063 undecillion

Chimera (40,353,607)

Eye of the Wrinkler (99,999,999), no true effect on gameplay, but can be useful

Stevia Caelestis (100,000,000)

13th Ascend

500,000,000 - Total PL: 847,776,126 - 609.32 undecillion

Sugar Baking (200,000,000)

Diabetica Daemonicus (300,000,000)

14th Ascend

800,000,000 - Total PL: 1,647,776,126 - 4.4740 duodecillion

Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 (400,000,000)

Sugar Craving (400,000,000)

15th Ascend

2,600,000,000 - Total PL: 4,447,776,126 - 76.645 duodecillion

Sugar Aging Process (600,000,000)

Sucralosia Inutilis (1,000,000,000)

Sugar Crystal Cookie (1,000,000,000)

16th Ascend

2,111,111,110 - Total PL: 6,358,887,236 - 257.12 duodecillion

Shimmering Veil (999,999,999)

Keepsakes (1,111,111,111)

17th Ascend

9,555,555,555 - Total PL: 15,914,442,791 - 4.0306 tredecillion

Aura Gloves (555,555,555)

Kitten Wages (9,000,000,000)

18th Ascend

29,999,999,970 - Total PL: 45,914,442,761 - 96.794 tredecillion

Cosmic Beginner's Luck (14,999,999,985)

Reinforced Membrane (14,999,999,985)

19th Ascend

86,777,777,777 - Total PL: 132,692,220,538 - 2.3363 quattuordecillion

Cat Ladies (9,000,000,000)

Fortune Cookies (77,777,777,777)

20th Ascend

383,000,000,000 - Total PL: 515,692,220,538 - 137.14 quattuordecillion

Permanent Upgrade Slot 5 (50,000,000,000)

Box of Pastries (333,000,000,000)

21st Ascend

333,000,000,000 - Total PL: 848,692,220,538 - 611.29 quattuordecillion

Not Cookies (333,000,000,000)

22nd Ascend

488,555,555,554 - Total PL: 1,337,247,776,092 - 2.3913 quindecillion

Luminous Gloves (55,555,555,555)

Pet the Dragon (99,999,999,999)

Maybe Cookies (333,000,000,000)

23rd Ascend

900,000,000,000 - Total PL: 2,237,247,776,092 - 11.198 quindecillion

Milkhelp lactose intolerance relief tablets (900,000,000,000)

Post-Heavenly Upgrades

Past 2,237,247,776,092 PL, it's a good idea to pause your progression and tackle some other achievements you might be needing, especially the 100 and 1000 ascend ones, as on average, they get more time-consuming the more prestige levels you have. In addition, if you decided to skip Lucky Digit, Lucky Number, and Lucky Payout, be sure to get them before you reach approximately 9 quadrillion prestige levels, or they will become unobtainable due to the nature of floating point precision. Otherwise, aim to at least double your prestige level from here on out per ascend.

Permanent Upgrade Slots

Use this list if your total prestige level is between 213/440/2337 (first ascend) and 123,692,220,538-132,692,220,538 (when you purchase Fortune Cookies) - slot these upgrades in as you unlock the slots

Highest kitten

Highest Idleverse Upgrade (Javascript Console if you have none or could only afford very few Idleverses (less than 50) the previous run - this will be the case for early ascends)

2nd highest kitten

Omelette or a building biscuit or a GC frequency upgrade

A GC frequency upgrade or a building biscuit (depending on if you overshot, you might not have this)

Use this list if your prestige level is over 123,692,220,538-132,692,220,538 (any progression run after having Fortune Cookies).

Highest kitten

Highest Idleverse upgrade or Idleverse fortune upgrade Fortune#018

Fortune#103 [Kitten]

Omelette or highest building biscuit

A GC frequency upgrade, second highest Idleverse upgrade, a building biscuit, or second highest kitten

Building biscuits are the upgrades you unlock for having at least 100 to 500 of every building, are rectangular, and are the "butter biscuits" that add 10% to cookie production multiplier.

Past 2,237,247,776,092 PL, your permaslots will really depend based on your needs, such as if you want to use Cosmic Beginner's Luck, don't want to wait to buy expensive upgrades, or want to get some useful holiday upgrades out of the way first, like omelette.

Heavenly Upgrades And Their Effects (Part 1)

The list below details all of the heavenly upgrades in the order of Standard Guide with descriptions and an estimated CPS boost (-- if not measurable).

Legacy (1) - Unlocks heavenly chips, makes your prestige level award a permanent +1% CPS per level (+1%)

Heavenly Cookies (3) - Cookie production multiplier +10%, permanent (+10%)

How to Bake Your Dragon (9) - Allows you to buy a crumbly egg after baking 1 million cookies in an ascension (+100-250%)

Box of Brand Biscuits (25) - Contains an assortment of biscuits (cookies to increase production multiplier) (+26%)

Tin of British Tea Biscuits (25) - Contains an assortment of biscuits (cookies to increase production multiplier) (+12%)

Tin of Butter Cookies (25) - Contains an assortment of butter cookies (to increase production multiplier) (+21%)

Box of Macarons (25) - Contains an assortment of macarons (to increase production multiplier) (+26%)

Starter Kit (50) - You start with 10 cursors - does not affect starting cost i.e. first cursor will still cost 15 cookies (+<1%)

Heavenly Luck (77) - Golden cookies appear 5% more often (+0-30%)

Permanent Upgrade slot 1 (100) - Unlock a slot to place an upgrade in. This upgrade will last through all ascensions as long as it's in a slot (--)

Heralds (100) - You now benefit from Heralds - each herald gives +1% CPS (+38-41%)

Lasting Fortune (777) - Golden cookie effects last 10% longer (+10%)

Golden Switch (999) - Unlocks the golden switch - boosts cps by 50% but disables golden cookies (+50%)

Season Switcher (1111) - allows you to toggle between seasons for a price (+742%)

Twin Gates of Transcendence (1) - You get 5% cps while offline for 1 hour (0.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Angels (7) - Offline cps increased to 15% (1.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Belphegor (7) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 2 hours (+<1%)

Classic Dairy selection (9) - Unlocks basic milk to choose from (does not necessarily have to be unlocked) (+0%)

Archangels (49) - Offline cps increased to 25% (2.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Mammon (49) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 4 hours (+<1%)

Basic Wallpaper assortment (99) - allows you to change the background at will (+0%)

Virtues (343) - Offline cps increased to 35% (3.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Abaddon (343) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 8 hours (+<1%)

Persistent Memory (500) - Research will be 10 times faster (--)

Lucky Digit (777) - +1% effectiveness of prestige level, +1% golden cookie effect duration, +1% golden cookie lifespan - prestige level must end in 7 for upgrade to appear (+2%)

Dominions (2,401) - Offline cps increased to 45% (4.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Kitten Angels (9,000) - You gain more cps the more milk you have (milk factor 0.1) (+15-150%)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 2 (20,000) - Unlock a slot to place an upgrade in. This upgrade will last through all ascensions as long as it's in a slot (--)

Satan (2,401) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 16 hours (+<1%)

Starter Kitchen (5,000) - You start with 5 Grandmas (these are free, your first purchased grandma will still cost only 100 cookies) (+1-2%)

Decisive Fate (7,777) - golden cookies stay 5% longer (+<1%)

Golden Cookie Alert Sounds (9,999) - Unlocks golden cookie sound selector, which plays a sound when a Golden/wrath cookie appears on-screen, including during storms and chains (--)

Unholy Bait (44,444) - Wrinklers appear 5 times as fast (--)

Halo Gloves (55,555) - Clicks are 10% more powerful (+10%)

Lucky Number (77,777) - +1% effectiveness of prestige level, +1% golden cookie effect duration, +1% golden cookie lifespan - prestige level must end in 777 for upgrade to appear (+2%)

Residual Luck (99,999) - The golden switch is 10% more effective per golden cookie upgrade owned (+0-67%)

Synergy Vol 1 (222,222) - Unlocks new upgrades that affect 2 buildings at the same time - appears once you have 15 of both buildings (+30-100%)

Elder Spice (444,444) - Maximum wrinklers increased 2, to 12 (+0-32%)

Cherubim (16,807) - Offline cps increased to 55% (5.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Asmodeus (16,807) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 32 hours (+<1%)

Divine Sales (99,999) - Upgrades are 1% cheaper (+<1%)

Divine Discount (99,999) - Buildings are 1% cheaper (+<1%)

Seraphim (117,649) - Offline cps increased to 65% (6.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Beelzebub (117,649) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 64 hours (+<1%)

Divine Bakeries (399,999) - Cookie upgrades are 5 times cheaper (+0-10%)

Synergy Vol 2 (2,222,222) - Unlocks new upgrades that affects 2 buildings at the same time - appears once you have 75 of both buildings (+30-100%)

Starspawn (111,111) - Eggs drop 10% more often, GCs appear 2% more often during Easter (+<1%)

Starsnow (111,111) - Christmas cookies drop 5% more often, reindeer appear 5% more often (+<1%)

Starterror (111,111) - Halloween cookies drop 10% more often, GCs appear 2% more often during Halloween (+<1%)

Starlove (111,111) - Heart cookies are 50% more powerful, GCs appear 2% more often during Valentines (+<1%)

Startrade (111,111) - GCs appear 5% more often during Business Day (+<1%)

Sacrilegious Corruption (444,444) - Wrinklers regurgitate 5% more cookies (+0-5%)

Five-Finger Discount (555,555) - All upgrades are 1% cheaper per 100 cursors (+<1%)

Inspired Checklist (900,000) - Unlocks "Buy All" - purchase every affordable upgrade in store, starting from cheapest one; unlocks "Vault" - place upgrades you don't want to be auto-purchased (--)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 3 (3,000,000) - Unlock a slot to place an upgrade in. This upgrade will last through all ascensions as long as it's in a slot (--)

Distilled Essence of Redoubled Luck (7,777,777) - Golden cookies, wrath cookies, and reindeer have a 1% chance of being doubled (2 will spawn) (+0-111,000%)

God (823,543) - Offline cps increased to 75% (7.5% after max efficiency offline time expires) (+<1%)

Lucifer (823,543) - Max efficiency offline time increased to 128 hours (+<1%)

Label Printer (999,999) - See an upgrade's tier when you mouse over it (+0%)

Fanciful Dairy Selection (1,000,000) - Unlocks more exotic flavors for milk (+0%)

Genius Accounting (2,000,000) - Unlocks extra price information - how long it'll take you to afford it, and how much of your bank it is (+0%)

Wrinkly Cookie (6,666,666) - Cookie production +10% permanently (+10%)

Lucky Payout (77,777,777) - +1% effectiveness of prestige level, +1% golden cookie effect duration, +1% golden cookie lifespan - prestige level must end in 777,777 for upgrade to appear (+2%)

Chimera (40,353,607) - Synergy upgrades are 2% cheaper, offline cps increased to 80% (8.0% after max efficiency offline time expires), and max efficiency offline time increased to 176 hours (+<1%)

Eye of the Wrinkler (99,999,999) - Mouse over a wrinkler to see how many cookies it has digested (+0%)

Stevia Caelestis (100,000,000) - Sugar lumps ripen an hour sooner (+0%)

Sugar Baking (200,000,000) - Each unspent sugar lump, up to 100, gives +1% CPS (+0-100%)

Diabetica Daemonicus (300,000,000) - Sugar lumps mature an hour sooner (+0%)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 (400,000,000) - Unlocks a slot to place an upgrade in. This upgrade will last through all ascensions as long as it's in a slot (--)

Sugar Craving (400,000,000) - Once an ascension, you can use "Sugar frenzy" to triple your CPS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump (+0-200%)

Sugar Aging Process (600,000,000) - Each grandma, up to 600, makes sugar lumps ripen 6 seconds sooner (+0%)

Heavenly Upgrades And Their Effects (Part 2)

The entire list exceeds the character cap of a section, so it is continued here.

Sucralosia Inutilis (1,000,000,000) - Bifurcated lumps appear 5% more and are 5% more likely to drop 2 lumps (+0%)

Sugar Crystal Cookie (1,000,000,000) - Cookie production multiplier +5% permanent, and +1% for every building Level 10 or higher (+5-23%)

Shimmering Veil (999,999,999) - Unlocks the shimmering veil - boosts cps by 50%, but breaks if you click the big cookie, any golden cookie, or reindeer (+0-50%)

Keepsakes (1,111,111,111) - Season drops have a 20% chance to carry through ascensions (--)

Kitten Wages (9,000,000,000) - Kitten upgrades are 10% cheaper (--)

Aura Gloves (555,555,555) - +5% click power per Cursor level, up to 10 (+0-50%)

Cosmic Beginner's Luck (14,999,999,985) - Prior to purchasing Heavenly Chip Secret upgrade, random drops are 5 times more common (--)

Reinforced Membrane (14,999,999,985) - Shimmering veil has a 10% chance not to break, and gives +10% more CPS (+6%)

Cat Ladies (9,000,000,000) - +29% grandma CpS per kitten upgrade purchased (+<1%)

Fortune Cookies (77,777,777,777) - News tickers may contain Fortune Cookies, which can drop Golden Cookies, regular cookies, or upgrades (+73-108%)

Permanent Upgrade Slot 5 (50,000,000,000) - Unlocks a slot to place an upgrade in. This upgrade will last through all ascensions as long as it's in a slot (--)

Box of Pastries (333,000,000,000) - Contains an assortment of delicious pastries (cookies to increase production multiplier) (+36%)

Box of Not Cookies (333,000,000,000) - Contains an assortment of [not] cookies (cookies to increase production multiplier) (+30%)

Luminous Gloves (55,555,555,555) - Aura Gloves (+5% click power per Cursor level) can now go up to Level 20 (+0-33%)

Pet the Dragon (99,999,999,999) - Pet the dragon, comes with upgrades (+6%)

Box of Maybe Cookies (333,000,000,000) - Contains an assortment of [maybe] cookies (cookies to increase production multiplier) (+26%)

Milkhelp lactose intolerance relief tablets (900,000,000,000) - +5% grandma CpS per milk tier (+<1%)

Other Contributors

All of these people have contributed to the original guides on Pastebin in some way, thank you for your help! (These were their usernames in the Dashnet Forums Discord server, or their screen name on Steam, at the time and may have changed since.)

Yershi (web v2.019)

DeusUlt (web v2.019)

Garth Sidious (web v2.019)

Lord Orjun (web v2.019)

K1d_5h31d0n (web v2.021)

Narrihson (web v2.021)

Phlap (web v2.031)

Gravity (web v2.031)

Katloverr (web v2.031)

Amphy (web v2.031)

PsyMar (Steam v2.04)

OrchidAlloy (Steam v2.04)

If There's An Issue...

I am new to writing Steam guides, so if something just doesn't seem right with appearance/formatting (excluding the sections clearly marked as in-progress), something's clearly missing like a heavenly upgrade, or there's some other problem or error, feel free to shoot me a message on Steam or on Discord (Killua2Timez#9999). This guide, along with the Pastebin guides, should be updated within a few days of any new update where changes may be needed so if there's an update, please wait a few days before complaining to me that they're not up to date yet.


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.