AEW Dynamite Results 5/22/24 (2024)

  • Bryan Danielson vs. Satnam Singh
  • Matt Sydal vs. Konosuke Takesh*ta
  • Kyle O’Reilly vs. Malakai Black
  • Will Ospreay & Orange Cassidy vs. Trent & Roderick Strong
  • Toni Storm & Mariah May vs. Saraya & Harley Cameron
  • FTW Championship Eliminator: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Hook vs. Bryan Keith
  • AEW World Championship Eliminator: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Nick Wayne

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 5/22/24

Live from the Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz, and Don Callis are on commentary for this opener.

Match #1. Orange Cassidy & Will Ospreay vs. Trent & Roderick Strong

Cassidy and Trent start brawling on the floor as Ospreay takes Strong over with a head scissors. Plancha by Ospreay to Trent on the floor and a crossbody by Cassidy to Strong. Matt Taven gets on the apron to distract Ospreay, allowing Strong to plant Ospreay with a half-and-half backbreaker. Cassidy gets the tag and bounces Strong’s head off the turnbuckles a bunch. Cassidy heads up top but Trent swipes the legs out, allowing Strong to follow up and plant Ospreay with a gut buster on the top rope. Back suplex by Strong on the apron and a spear by Trent on the outside. The Kingdom put the boots to Cassidy on the floor behind the referee’s back. Cassidy tries to escape Strong and finally does! Ospreay gets the tag and here comes Trent. Flying forearm by Ospreay and a handspring back kick takes out both Strong and Trent. Two count on Trent. Trent looks for a Tornado DDT but settles for a release half-and-half suplex as Strong gets the tag. Code Red by Ospreay gets two. Forearm Symphony by Strong and an inverted mat return. Two count. Cassidy flips out of a suplex and CHEEKY NANDOS to Strong. Powerbomb by Ospreay followed by a Sky Twister Press, allowing Cassidy to tag himself in and drop the elbow! Two count. Cassidy heads up top but Trent grabs the boot, allowing Strong to hit an enziguiri on the top rope. Ospreay is here. Trent is here too. Diving DDT by Cassidy to Trent but Strong elbows and knees everyone in the face. Step-up enziguiri by Ospreay and a Satellite DDT by Cassidy! Two count. Sick Kick by Strong to Cassidy, but Don Callis saves Cassidy from the End of Heartache. Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy. Oscutter by Ospreay! Ospreay takes out The Kingdom with a plancha, but Wardlow is here and runs over him out of nowhere. Sexy Chucky Knee by Trent to Cassidy and now End of Heartache finishes this one.

Winners: Trent & Roderick Strong

Rating: ***1/2. Crowd was alive for the whole thing and this match did a great job heating up both feuds as we head to Double or Nothing.

Wardlow and the rest of the Undisputed Kingdom hit the ring and blast Ospreay from behind with the title. Trent chokes out Cassidy with the Gogoplata on the ramp as Ospreay eats another End of Heartache.

The Elite tells us that Darby Allin isn’t allowed in the arena tonight, and they’ve got security to prove it. Sonjay Dutt is here and congratulates the Young Bucks and reminds us that Singh is going to destroy Danielson.

Here’s The Bang Bang Gang. White says they’re the greatest three-man team in the game. White says there might be one special guy wondering how he wound up at the feet of the Switchblade, and that’s Pac. Pac begged the Bullet Club to make him care, and that was his mistake.

Here’s Pac on the tron. Pac said he’s not even mad, he did provoke them. Three on one isn’t exactly fair though, is it? So here are Pac’s amigos. Mi hermanos.


Death Triangle storm the ring and the battle begins. Bang Bang Gang escape the ring, and Pac challenges them for the titles at Double or Nothing.

It’s 8:33pm, the second match is just starting, and we’ve got seven matches tonight. Hmm.

Match #2. FTW Championship Eliminator Triple Threat: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Hook vs. Bryan Keith

Chris Jericho joins the commentary table. Keith sends Hook into Shibata, but Hook tosses Keith with a judo throw. RedRum is locked in but Shibata locks a choke in on Hook and it’s a double jaw breaker. Everyone takes turn hitting Exploders on the other and all three guys are down. Hook puts some boots and knees to Shibata in the corner, before focusing his attack on Keith. Keith connects with a running headbutt. Keith wants an Exploder but Hook fights out. Hook wants one now and Keith fights out with some 12-6 elbows. Hook doesn’t care, and dumps Keith anyway. Hook “Hooks Up” but walks into a high kick from Keith. Tiger Bomb by Keith! Two count as Shibata breaks up the pin. Running boots in the corner to Hook, now to Keith. Stalling dropkick in the corner to Keith and a half-and-half suplex. Two count as Hook breaks up the pin and then plants Shibata with a t-bone suplex. Hook tries for the RedRum but Keith puts him on the top rope and headbutts him. Diamond Dust to Hook but Shibata hits the running PK as soon as both guys hit the mat. Ushigaroshi to Keith! Shibata locks in the figure-four with the heel hook but Hook sneaks in and locks in the RedRum. Keith taps both guys… and the referee rings the bell!?

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Hook

Rating: **. This was fine, but it was all about getting to the finish. The match also had very little time, with a commercial break.

Chris Jericho agrees with the fans and says let them fight! Instead, we have a three-way at the PPV.

Match #3. Konosuke Takesh*ta w/ Don Callis vs. Matt Sydal

Takesh*ta with a top wrist lock before almost snapping the neck of Sydal. Sheerdrop brainbuster by Takesh*ta. Sydal head scissors his way out of a Blue Thunder Bomb and follows up with a low dropkick. Sydal comes off the top and gets a knee to the face and NOW the Blue Thunder Bomb. Brutal right elbow and Sydal is asleep.

Winner: Konosuke Takesh*ta

Rating: NR

After the match, Takesh*ta dumps Sydal with a big release German suplex and some ground and pound, but here’s Moxley! Moxley strolls to the ring with a microphone, looks like he’s going to say something, and then punches Takesh*ta in the face with it. “I’ll see you at Double or Nothing!”

The Elite are in the back handing out flyers with Darby Allin’s face on it. Oh, here’s Swerve. Swerve takes a flyer and throws it out before telling the Bucks to hit his music.

Match #4. Swerve Strickland vs. Nick Wayne

Swerve lays into Wayne early, beating him around the ringside area and whipping him with a belt! Swerve back body drops Wayne inside the ring from the apron but Wayne sends Swerve’s face into an exposed turnbuckle. Moonsault off the middle rope to the outside by Wayne but Swerve catches him, only for Wayne to counter that with a spinning DDT! Swerve fights his way back to his feet, but Wayne goes to the eyes. Superkick to the stomach by Wayne as he yet again goes to the eyes. Swerve blocks a high kick but gets dumped to the outside. Wayne wants the same moonsault at earlier but Swerve is up and back suplexes Wayne on the apron! Swerve follows up with a Swerve Stomp to the floor! Swerve tries to finish it with another Swerve Stomp inside the ring but Wayne gets his feet up. Rolling Thunder Code Red by Wayne for a two count. Wayne tries a Housecall but Swerve catches the leg, ducks underneath, and captures the leg right into a backbreaker. Pop-up powersla by Swerve. “I ain’t sorry” as Swerve ends this one with the Housecall.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Rating: **1/2. Wayne got in more offense than I anticipated here and looked good doing it, but Swerve looks strong heading into the PPV.

Killswitch is here and assaults Swerve from behind, with Christian and Mother Wayne in tow. Christian checks on Nick Wayne as Swerve dumps Killswitch, allowing Christian to escape to the back. Swerve follows on foot throughout the arena before carjacking someone in the parking lot! Christian tries to escape but another truck blocks him in… it’s Prince Nana drinking a coffee! Swerve catches up to Christian and puts the boots to him as they fight to the top of a truck. Swerve kicks Christian low and DDTs him on the hood of the truck. Christian rolls down to the hood and Nana is here with a steel chair! Swerve wants the ConChairTo but Christian escapes with his life.

Match #5. Malakai Black vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Both men stand in a kickboxing stance and trade kicks, low kicks, punches, and clinches. Double knees to the liver and both guys reset. Black looks for a moonsault off the middle rope but Kyle kicks the legs out. Kick looks for a high kick but Black catches him with a low foot sweep. Low kick by Black and one by Kyle, but Black catches in and lands a brutal knee to the face that sends Kyle to the floor. Black follows suit and delivers some roundhouse kicks to the midsection, but Kyle fights back with some elbows in tight. Back inside the ring and Black snaps a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, with the new focus on the left knee of Kyle. Single leg crab by Black but Kyle fights out with some up kicks. Black looks for another Dragon Screw but Kyle holds his base and snatches a straight armbar. Black clasps his hands but Kyle transitions to a kimura. Black fights out and connects with a push kick that sends Kyle into the ropes, but Kyle rebounds and Black sees it coming, blocking the Nigel. Snap German suplex by Kyle! Axe and Smash gets two. Right roundhouse kicks by Kyle and now both men trade snug elbows. Left palm strike to the liver by Black and a leg kick by Kyle in return. Double leg by Kyle right into mount and Kyle reigns down some ground and pound, before transitioning into an armbar. Black clasps the hands and Kyle dives for the toe hold and gets it, but Black powers out. Elbow strike to the face by Black and a sheerdrop brainbuster. One, two, no! Spinning back elbow by Kyle. Black Mass by Black! One, two, three.

Winner: Malakai Black

Rating: ***3/4. Yep, if you every watched Pancrase or UWFi, this is for you. Two legit martial artists putting on a striking and grappling clinic. Absolutely love watching both of these guys.

Malakai Black stands tall in the ring, as the ring flashes black and red.


Adam Copeland is shown walking down a flight of stairs on the tron, and he tells Malakai to be careful what you wish for.

Match #6. Saraya & Harley Cameron vs. Toni Storm & Mariah May w/ Luther

Shotgun dropkick by May to Cameron and a spinning sidewalk slam. Saraya gets the tag and she wants Storm… and gets her. Elbow fest here but a Thesz Press by Storm. Snap mare by Storm before tagging May and body slamming May on Saraya. May tries to do the same but she can’t get Storm up, so Storm slams May and gets two. Running knee strike to the face of Saraya as Saraya goes down hard and the referee checks on her, allowing Cameron to attack May from behind. Saraya then proves she’s okay by doing jumping jacks. Axe kick by Cameron over the middle rope and May is in trouble as we go to PIP. Double hair-face buster and May gets the tag to Storm. Backstabber to Cameron from the middle rope and a big headbutt. Sky High by Storm to Cameron but Saraya breaks up the pin. May and Storm have Saraya and Cameron on the top rope on the far sides of the ring. Double sunset flip powerbombs by Saraya and Cameron! Double two count. Stereo Storm Zero and MayDay! Another Storm Zero to Cameron and this one is over.

Winners: Toni Storm & Mariah May

Rating: ***. This was a blast for what we got. Great to see Saraya in the ring and Cameron is more than holding her own in her recent matches. That said, May and Storm are on another level and it’s a lot of fun.

After the match, Deeb attacks Storm and company with a chair. Deeb then takes out a high heel and blasts Storm in the face with it. Deeb sets a chair up on top of Storm and locks in the single leg Boston Crab as Storm screams in pain.

Match #7. Bryan Danielson vs. Satnam Singh w/ Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, & Jeff Jarrett

This is giving me Danielson vs. Kamala from 2006 vibes. Hard chops in the corner by Singh and a monstrous delayed vertical suplex. Dutt tries to set up the announcer’s table but he crumbles and now we’ve got to improvise.Round kicks by Danielson from the apron and a running knee strike to the face. Two. Three. Singh is now sitting on a chair in the corner by the ringside area and Danielson flies in with a dropkick. Singh still makes it to his feet and then chokeslams Danielson on the apron. Singh now rips the turnbuckle pad off, but the referee sees it, allowing Danielson to go low on Singh! Busaiku Knee! Danielson goes to the eyes and lands a bunch of YES kicks to the stomach, and then a high kick to the face. Palm strike by Singh! Singh picks Danielson up but Danielson delivers some hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Lebell Lock by Danielson but the rest of Singh’s crew hit the ring.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Rating: *3/4. This was a cluster, but with reason. It was all storyline and that’s fine.

Danielson is getting beat down by all men involved here and of course, here come The Young Bucks.

The Bucks miss the EVP Trigger and Danielson lays into both guys with YES kicks. The Rainmaker’s music hits but Jack Perry is here too and he jumps Danielson from behind. Rainmaker to Danielson! The Elite carry Danielson up the ramp, but we see a video on the tron. Darby is here, and he’s being driven to the arena by Tony Khan! Darby comes out WITH A FLAMETHROWER. Danielson throws Nicholas off the stage through a table as the rest of The Elite escape the arena.

Final Thoughts: Excellent job here as this felt like a true go-home show, highlighting all of the main matches and feuds, giving the fans a reason to buy the PPV. Swerve and Christian got real personal and Copeland brought back the BLOOD BATH (will we see Gangrel at the PPV?)?! Fun stuff here. The wrestling all night long was strong and The Elite’s mission to take out all of their opponents by Sunday was thwarted by Tony Khan, poetically so. Thumbs up tonight. 8.25/10.

AEW Dynamite Results 5/22/24 (2024)


What station is AEW Dynamite on? ›

AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live on TBS from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, IA! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight's event. It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland came out to the ring with Prince Nana to start the show!

Where is AEW Dynamite? ›

Dynamite will be live from Fairfax, Virginia at EagleBank Arena. Join me for our weekly live review as Dynamite airs Wednesdays on TBS at 7CT/8ET.

Are all in 2024? ›

At the conclusion of the 2023 event, AEW announced that All In would return to Wembley Stadium on August 25, 2024. Tickets went on sale on December 1, 2023.

Is AEW Dynamite still on TNT? ›

This lasted until Dynamite's move to TBS. On January 5, 2022, Dynamite moved from TNT to TBS, marking the first professional wrestling program to air on TBS since 2001. The Dynamite set used from January 4, 2023, to February 28, 2024. This set had also been used for Rampage and Battle of the Belts.

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All Elite Wrestling Dynamite - Watch now |

Where can I watch old episodes of AEW Dynamite? ›

AEW history is now available to the masses. As reported by Wrestling News and noted by several fans on social media, the first-ever episode of AEW Dynamite is now available to stream on the TBS app and several on-demand cable systems in the United States.

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Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida, which is connected to EverBank Stadium, is considered AEW's home venue.

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Rampage was AEW's second weekly television show, following the premiere of Dynamite, and the second professional wrestling program to air on TNT since the final episode of WCW Monday Nitro on March 26, 2001.

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The television programming consists of Dynamite (Wednesdays), Rampage (Fridays) and Collision (various days of the week).

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Mark your calendars. Here are some of the biggest events happening in 2024
  • The 2024 U.S. presidential election. The 2024 United States presidential election will take place on Tuesday, Nov. ...
  • Leap year. ...
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  • Total solar eclipse. ...
  • 2024 Summer Olympics. ...
  • NASA's Artemis II mission takes off.
Jan 14, 2024

What is meant by 2024? ›

2024 (MMXXIV) is a leap year starting on Monday in the Gregorian calendar and is the current year. It is the 2024th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 24th year of the 3rd millennium, the 24th year of the 21st century, and the 5th year of the 2020s decade.

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Did JR go to AEW? ›

He is currently signed with All Elite Wrestling (AEW), where he serves as a commentator as well as an analyst and senior advisor.

Who owns AEW wrestling now? ›

All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is a professional wrestling league owned by the Khan family, known for also owning the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars and the Premier League's Fulham F.C. AEW has emerged as the second largest wrestling promotion in the world behind WWE in terms of annual revenue since its inception in 2019.

Did AEW lose the TV deal? ›

One of AEW's TV deals has seemed to have sunk without a trace despite it being touted as a multi-year agreement. AEW airs on TBS and TNT in the United States and has done so since Tony Khan founded the company in 2019.

Where is the AEW All Out 2024? ›

The 2024 All Out is an upcoming professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by All Elite Wrestling (AEW). It will be the sixth annual All Out event and will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Now Arena in the Chicago suburb of Hoffman Estates, Illinois.

How much are tickets to all elite wrestling? ›

How much are All Elite Wrestling tickets? You can find All Elite Wrestling tickets for as low as $22, with an average price of $123.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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